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Fallout 76 PTS The Biggest NERFS comming with Next Patch. Are You Ready?

oldrifter: Bethesda nerfed my enthusiasm to play 76

rodolfoborges3518: "We hate the word nerf" said the hypocrite developer of bethesda. Just focus on solving the games bugs that broke the game and make shitty weapons better for god's sake.

DonVisric: They make level 100 more difficult. If they are more dangerous and difficult to kill, that better reflect in more xp player gets when killing them. If not, I seriously fail to see any positives in these changes. All these stupid changes do is make the seasons and game more grindy. For someone with almost 5k hours in F76 and who is slowly approaching a burnout with this game, more and more grind is not a good thing.

KimAdams-h5i: Wait...muties have lvl 100 weaps but we have lvl 50. They nerf our weaps but make enemies harder. Wtf. No one asked for this. Fix the broken game first.

dankmem477: They really just nerfed Hack And Slash for no reason. They don't mind dooming melee users even more

NvTeddy: Give players one thing. Take away 2. Bathesda logic

AIRBORNEOEFTF73: So it is now called "Tougher enemies" and in reality its actually "Bullet sponged enemies" ....

kompott_addict: They buff the hunting rifle so it does more dmg and maybe can oneshot normal mobs in the head and nerf headshot dmg so it still isnt good. Great-_-

bingvarstand47: I am opposed to nerfs. Buff bad weapons instead.

danwoodhouse4030: I’ve played this game almost everyday since beta.. 1000’s of hours but i recently moved which meant I was unable to play for a few days..

now i didn’t miss the game and i didn’t feel the urge to rush to get my console out to set it up and get back to playing, days turned into weeks and now it has been just over a month! I turned it on twice in that time and only for a few minutes each time.

I have completely lost the ‘want’ to play this game and I can’t seem that coming back anytime soon or ever!

The game just isn’t exciting anymore and all they do is break it or make it more boring.

It’s a shame cos I loved this game and I always got excited with your videos but now that seems to have ended and it’s a real shame.

Anyone else feel like this?

dynastyjumpzz: They couldve at least left the 2x multiplier for free aim

THESESSIONROOM: Nerfing the power of our fucking weapons now enemies are getting a buff??! Thanks

bamster64: I agree with most of these changes.

I’d say I’d prefer if the nerf to the weak spot only affected VATS, as aiming outside of VATS with a non-explosive weapon requires a bit more effort on the player's part.

I think Bethesda should do more to incentivize people to use non-explosive weapons outside of VATS, like adding more perks to increase damage when using non-explosive ranged weapons outside of VATS.

Again, I’m okay with making enemies tougher, as long as they also increase the XP and ammo those enemies give you. They should also increase weapon durability.

ShaneH5150: lvl 100 weapons for lvl 100 super mutants? i've been gone a while but do WE have lvl 100 weapons also?

EnclaveHF: Once the Enclave update drops in December imma grind the battle pass then leave this game for a good while. I already struggle to achieve the power I once had whcih isn't fun, again you don't give a kid a toy and then punch them in the face step on the toy and then hand them the broken shattered magled toy.

PREDATOR310: I don't agree with change to weak spot damage, I think it should be x2 for outside vats and x1.5 for vats. But tougher enemies are nice change, game already too easy as is. Maybe full hp tank builds gonna have some place in the game outside Raids, since enemies deal more damage, and maybe they gonna have some time to retaliate against bloodied commando builds since they are a bit tougher.

Also we shouldn't forget that there are ridiculously powerful 4 start effects, that still gonna make you do waaay more damage than we do now.

ravenhawk9069: Bethesda seems to think that nerfing more things will keep player base up, WHAT are these loony toon MORONS thinking not sure if I will continue playing 76 at this rate, as the nerfs continue so do the game bugs they never seem to address

Augustine-xv5zj: Tougher enemies? Bring it on!

Ahibasabala: More nerfs? maybe they could fix the missing name tags which are ruining so many people's playing experience.

Nov 20 2024

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