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Fallout 76 PTS Spoiler STARTING OFF YOUR OWN CARAVAN COMPANY. Comming with next Season Update.

manicassassin4542: Over 7k views. Not even 250 likes. 13 comments... Show this man some love

bryanfaulkenburg462: I dont understand why more people don't do the Riding Shotgun event more often. You get to start it pretty much on demand guarantee 3 star legendary and treasury note.

TheBuildMiner210: the way its implemented is nice especially if you do it with a few people with the free daily ones and its also a great cap sink if you want to start an "event" without cd

cartridgepad: why drop a nuke on PTS? you dont get to keep the rewards

nikkofs7: Spoiler and a spoiler alert right next to each other in the thumbnail has to be the dumbest thing I've seen my whole life

DMMacaw: I already run my own. I have a side account sell plans,meds,weapons and all items that people find interesting. Sits in a shelter afk to keep safe. Yet lovley adding more money flow

shalimar_ch5501: I think you need to THROW the bait in order to keep away the cryptides - like in the Rose quest story

jakemartin8795: Full ammo count shows up at the bottom right now too?

Sabahes_ASMR: We got GTA business in Fallout 76 before GTA6

stitchfan08: Im hoping they add more to this

Jul 31 2024

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