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Fallout 76 PTS Season 18 Datamining WorkinProgressUpdate 19th July 2024

chris5942: These seasns get worse every time. New stuff needed instead of what we already have like skins. Come on B....

FalloutKurier6: Espresso machine looks dope

RobZadouch: Unless I missed it, I can't believe no one has lost their minds over a "Backpack Display"!!!! I used to have mine displayed on mannequins that sorta clipped through a wall, but we are limited to 5 mannequins, and they take up a lot of budget. I am so excited for this! I've been playing for 3 years, and have close to 25 backpacks, now I can finally show them all off in 1 camp/shelter!!! Thnx again for another amazing video my friend

notjndatz: This is the only channel on YouTube I have 'all' notifications on for. Love how quick you get the info and images out with as much detail as you can offer.

Thanks for what you do for this community!

FalloutMcflyy: You had me at Beer Collector

MiB94: Those rusted skins are absolutely perfect! I need all of them, i hope some of them are available through the scoreboard.

blkwind03: Not really seeing anything stands out to me but thanks for showing it

nichtmenschlich6133: Wow so many cool new camp items!

WhiskeyTango0420: I need a Beer Collector at my house IRL.

mariealayne7223: Nothing stands out to me. Hopefully everyone else likes it. Thanks for sharing!

redragonflamex: need that gas awning for my camp just got no space

Jul 22 2024

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