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Fallout 76 PTS Scattered Explosive Laser Rifle

StickyFingerss: Bro said why am I reloading so much I have a quad.. then continues to reload after every kill

Toasted-Cat: Hope these make it into the final update. They'll probably be meh compared to what they used to be, but it'll be nice to see them again

hughejass9461: I like that you mentioned "it doesn't ruin the experience of other players". I wish more people thought that way. Anyway, I wasn't around for the legacy weapons but this looks like fun so if they make it to the live game I'll certainly give them a try. Thanks for the video and take care.

MathiasMeasinger: Agreed. Not as OP as the legacies.. But it is fun anyways.

Fighty_McLovingstein: Ya know, explosive weapons don't have to have OP damage numbers to ruin the experience of other players. Between cremators, nuka-grenades, teslas, events are already a cacophony of blinding near seizure inducing flashes... Hell, roll out an explosive Tesla, check out that light show!

antares-the-one: imo, the laser rifles and plasmas should have something like 6 ap cost (without 3rd star for ap reduction) and almost no recoil to be usable. They dont have silencer and dont do as much damage as fixer with handmade. So, they should have little-to none recoil (based on their laser nature)

brianwilson3133: I wish they would buff the combat perks to give you extra benefits to reward you for being fully invested. For example maybe one of the commando perks could have one extra rank available so if youre fully invensted you have a 25% chance to fire an explosive shot that does 100% damage

hobmoglin: God i miss my legacy laser rifle

MidoriShibuya: oh. OH OH GOD

terrymacdonald2151: Silly question but can you get Gauss Guns with explosive as a roll, to give it double explosive?

giftedcracker: I feel like 13 extra perk cards should do more damage than weapons that don't need them, like the fixer and railway. Thats a big sacrifice in your loadout without much result. I really hope they buff it before going live, i love lasers, just want more damage out of them.

Jul 22 2024

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