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Fallout 76 PTS Railway Rifle Rework... Its a Significant Nerf.

beercandan131: With these changes I hope other guns get some love. Pistols, laser weapons, shotguns

RuffisOak: cant wait to reload for 2 minutes with my quad single action revolver

flatmarssociety5707: they nerf the strongest guns but don't buff the shit guns bruh

Pit940d: i do not know why, i am more piss off they nerf the quad legendary effect than the railway rifle itself...

vasylbo1555: The legendary effect should not make the weapon worse!

Yotamb9: The Railway nerfs don't bother me all that much, but the Quad changes do. Bloodied is already a must have in most builds, why nerf one of the only decent alternatives for full health builds?

guyknightley3499: What I hate is they nerf good guns yet wont buff other stuff.

brianrmc1963: I am not too worried. My Railway character is also my Archer character. Can we please get more love for archers? I would like a “path” indicator for free aim like you have with grenades with “Fire In The Hole.”

Average1212: the vats change effects all commando weapons the same. The fixer will be effected by the crit changes the same way.

MrSmiley-xx4os: BUFF PIPE WEAPONS!!

hellfeesh: It actually looks like a decent balanced weapon now. I feel like these changes are being overblown because people are used to soloing bosses with these weapons.

b.a1535: I think the new railway rifle ticket to revenge would be the best option for railway rifle user's because it got ffr and double ammo capacity, so the quad nerf wouldn't apply to it.

osamabinlaggin3281: Bethesda going down the Helldivers 2 gun balance path...

trox4594: I feel like the real nerf is the vats critical no longer bypassing damage reduction. For all weapons. Boss fights are going to be much longer. It will be interesting to see if rifles still outclass heavy weapons if these changes go live

JohnB-mo4kq: Instead of nerfing low health builds, they nerf the only gun that makes full health commando viable. Nice.

TheKingOfBears.: The reload speed I can live with but man... that fire rate nerf is rough.

Mesm3r: Man I honestly feel like this is too much of a nerf. It really does feel like Bethesda is trying to eliminate any weapons potential of being even slightly above average. I would’ve understood like the changes to boss damage reduction along with the fire rate or doing the boss damage reduction and slower reload but to do 4 nerfs all at once really is just too much

SekiberiusWelkesh: Tbf, 30% decrease in reload speed isn't too bad a trade for 4 times the ammo, but that fire rate nerf is brutal, though maybe you might actually be able to use full auto outside of vats lmao.

markhinde6187: It's a pity Bugthesda won't spend more time NERFING the the basic game issues, some have been a problem from day 1, they are slowly taking away from us every little glimmer or of hope and reason we put up with this unreliable game.....

BassJunkie200: Fastest way to ruin a game is to nerf the good weapons and not buff the shit ones.

ghostridah: I really want to understand why they nerf the top weapons but never buff the lower end? People will still use these weapons because the rest are that bad.


this is literally the only build i had that could even perform at end game stuff. Ammo is heavy AF, it wont touch scorch beast queen or the collosal guy. Seems like a solution for something that was never a problem. If the 5 people who do PVP were complaining, THEN DO PVP NERFS, leave me the $#&@ alone now I'll have nothing after the update. Man, i just want to play this game chill and drink coffee, why do they have to ruin it?

theredduke1275: I hate that they keep nerfing items opposed to making weaker weapons more viable

FalloutTributeMusic: Im not a huge fan of balancing in a PVE game. Lets hope this wont be a trend ^^

opie456: Instead of nerfing weapons down to be equal with other weapons. How bout buffing the other weapons up.

coolblade23: overall, as a non vats user , i felt hammered into playing vats simply because i was loosing out on the critical effect ignoring armour entirely ... that alone was my main grief and i felt railwayed (pun intended) into playing vats as that was the go-to ... and from my perspective that just feels wrong

i should be able to play full vats, no vats , or mix vats and not vats and i should be able to perform just as well

i think this update is a step in the right direction

public content is already stupid easy even with non optimised builds, most missions are doable and fairly easy with ok-ish builds in all scenarios ... the fact that you now kill a m-queen in 30 seconds instead of 10 seconds is a SUPER ACCEPTABLE consequence if you ask me

6661313: holy shit that fires so slow,

i don't use ground pounder so the reload speed seemed normal to me, but they just killed my Q/50c/25 rail i've been using for like 2 years now lol

rails were strong but was offset by either a very slow fire rate if not using vats (if you wanted to control it) and by it's stealth breaking loudness.

now it still can't be fired fast outside of vats.. but can't be fired fast in vats either, and still has the negative stealth penalty

Happy-Turtle: The reload penalty to quad seems logical to me, you are reloading 4x the ammo so it makes sense it would take a bit longer.

gobro2688: The game is obviously too easy. But the issue is that nerfs waste all of the grinding people did for the rare weapons

TheAngelAquila: Buffing weak weapons does more for the meta than nerfing strong weapons. If more things are strong, there are more options. Now the only options are other auto rifles.

spider-man4460: Instead of nerfing enemy armor, they nerf the player in a PVE game, these """devs""" are a joke.

bonbonito_: Guess everyone will become a lumberjack with the auto axe then

themccman: We need less nerfs and more buffs

ThatBugBehindYou: No reason to nerf weapons, increase enemy numbers, increase ammo drops on enemies to make other guns more viable, make other weapons better, but don't nerf weapons.

Shame on the people cheering this on too, do they not remember nerfs literally killed the shotgun?

caintz7792: I sincerely hope they do not make such a sweeping change to VATs like that. I agree that the numbers can be pretty crazy sometimes but I doubt its fun for anyone to have a group of people sitting around a boss for what feels like half an hour when it is meant to be only a moderately difficult event when you have that many people. The perception that everything is just a bullet sponge will only worsen if these avenues to expedite boss clearing are closed or made otherwise untenable.

ScaredGem65003: i mean… with the new Thirst Quencher rework it’s not that big of a nerf… the q50c15reload speed will be the new meta and i’ll explain:

in some servers the q25ffr will not register all of the 40 spikes of the railway (nor the 20 crits spikes it’s intended to shoot), the slower fire rate of the q50c will now make so that every 2 shot you WILL land a critical hit. i ran some tests last night, with level 1 ground pounder speed demon 15% faster reload speed you CAN indeed mitigate the new -30% reload speed on quad weapons.

Why thirst quencher? well, with an average 437 AP and 16 END points you gain 84 AP for a whopping total of 521 AP, enough points to unload all of the 40 spikes of the railway rifle (520 AP divider by 13 AP cost of the railway equals=40)

hope this explains it well

rod2dodge855: Basically all those weapons you been grinding for the past couple of years are no longer god rolls, theyre scrip, you’ll need to use our new legendary system re-rolling for new god rolls.

Jul 09 2024

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