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Fallout 76 PTS New Options For Bows And Crossbows Are Coming

OnlineHipHopTV: It's nice but I still think separating the bow/crossbow from the rifleman perks was a bad choice

EVERYTYME: Two shot/last round/reload speed is a bow a wanna have!!

chris5942: Burning Love has no competition. I carry all flavors of arrows.

chris5942: You can have explosive with fire now with Burning Love and the compound explosive arrows

creeperkiller9k975: I remember when I had a black powder rifle with last shot.

oopsigotdead: You can run explosive arrows with Burning Love on the live server, I use it fairly regularly. 2 and last shot would be awesome

Nhoebi: As a bow enjoyer, this makes me quite happy, I also hope they allow Burning Love to re-rolled/change legendaries (like you can on holy fire).

kampi245: Imagine The Dragoon powder rifle with quad effects

creeperkiller9k975: Whenever it comes to the game it’d be cool to see how much instigating and last shot can do about 25% of the time

Katsuhi50: personally i'm hoping they make several legendary effect variations like they did with explosive on some weapons like ballistic shotguns can only get 3% explosive as opposed to the normal 20% but as a buff, such as if your crossbow or black powder weapon is quad it doesn't have the increase to reload time since the reloads on those weapons are already pretty bad as it is.

Saintbow: I feel these changes are going to open the door to certain weapons now becoming viable main weapons...or...certain weapons that are already center stage becoming OP... Time will tell!

Jul 11 2024

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