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Fallout 76 PTS New NukeFree Zone! No more Fasnacht Nukes!

Lordoftheapes79: About time. This has been a ridiculously unnecessary source of frustration in the community for too long. Nuking Fasnacht accomplishes nothing besides excluding new players who aren't ready for a nuke zone.

gregwilson5130: Hope they stop all those afkers as well , or just make it where they get no rare masks unless active

stevenhibbert4610: Why protect the afkers

spike238: Fix the drop rates is what they should be doing , if you already have masks in your inventory they should be automatically excluded from the prize pool , improving your odds at winning , but we all know it's all about the end of the month statistics that show how many players logged in and how many hours each played , ... nothing to do with masks ...

paulhicks8982: I might start doing fashnact again if it is no longer nukable.

ny_rican: That's a good change .

DonaldNeuspickel: Because the afk cry when we try to collect flora, no matter... I can still move afk out of the way with the auto axe if they are in front of my plants lol

CorruptedYT: They need to add a contribution bar or something if you don’t do anything you get even lower chance to get the mask. Filling up the server with mules and multiple accounts is fucking annoying having to do everything for freeloading bums.

nopenoperson9118: Nuking never stopped me from getting every drop overnight on all 3 of my clients, just keeps fresh players from participating. The only way an AFK player actually affected the event was in the scenario of the musician bot not progressing. Keeping the event from being started at all is an entirely different level.

h6lj5kl16j5k4l561lk: But, but, but what about all those glowing mask you could get from nuking

DmentidJester: Just wondering how many people here whine like babies about the afkers at Queen events? Ultracite Titan? Earl? Eviction notice? Moonshine jamboree? Neurological warfare?

Please stop whining about people afking and play your own game. Its not their fault beth/soft chose to make nonsensical drop rates. If you see too many afkers jump to another map after you start the event. It'll fail and you'll get in a map where most of the chores are half finished. Sheesh. Try doing most of the work and getting booted before rewards because of nuka-nades everywhere!

Jul 11 2024

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