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Fallout 76 PTS New Legendary Crafting Huge Changes are Incoming!

stironic: Now I can finally finish my secret service set only after 4 years and thousand of modules

Raider_girl: Me hoarding 90% less weight weapons and armor is finally going to pay off

Momofukudoodoowindu: The cost of 30 modules is definitely not a bug. If they were ever going to give us more control over our legendary effects it wasn’t going to come without some sort of cost.

whaiisdisnope: Even if the cost stays at 30 legendary modules to craft a 3 star legendary, we get legendaries from enemies and the likes too. Being able to change the legendary stars one by one is extremely big and pretty much all we ever wanted and needed. Can focus our time on actually grinding our godroll armors and weapons now. It's finally not a RNG dream anymore

Nhoebi: Since you can scrap legendary items now, they should add an option to lock items so you don't scrap stuff by accident, favorites helps, but there is a finite number of slots.

bluntoked: 1500 scrip is 30 modules. That’s really pricey. If it’s intentional, then Bethesda needs to remove the daily scrip limits

VgAce135: The cost may be high, but at least it is something that is obtainable, unlike the grolls unless you're incredibly lucky.

SkyForgeVideos: Bosses should drop Legendary Modules.

iamdarkbloom_: Start stockpiling literally everything with 90WR guys

HessuVee: Looks like the Module cost has gone up while Cores are going away. Which, personally, I love.

Gamer1what: Very happy with this, I think they realized that everyone that started playing from the show quickly lost interest when they realized the only way to get weapons they want is to gamble for the rest of their life. Not only that but it’s super limited each day which is ridiculous, there shouldn’t be a daily limit, if I’m putting in the time I should be getting more.

My only complaint is how expensive crafting is now, double digit modules to just make the item, THEN RE ROLL is ridiculous. If this is the route they want to take there needs to be a complete removal and revamp of the scrip limit, which is seemingly being replaced by legendary powder.

loschain2224: it doesn't matter what the cost is if you can perfect roll anything how you want. eviction notice is going to be packed every time now. maybe even test your metal. the grind will be real but it will be worth it and account bound is a good idea.

VaultTec30000: I really wish they add a separate small workbench for scraping legendary items... So we won't accidentally scrap our weapons when using regular workbenches.

mariocesarfagundes5815: It seems they are looking at older Fallout 4 mods and saying "this is good, let's do it", because there was a very similar mod in 4 that allowed crafting, removing and adding legendary effects to different weapons. This is good, even with the increased costs, gives more control over the effects and what you can make without so much dependency on luck.

FilthEffect: One thing i noticed during turtle's live stream (he didn't notice), is that modules now cost 100 scrip to buy from the rusty pick. That is foul. This whole process is insanely expensive. So now you can only earn 5 modules a day via scripping weapons....

Philip-3172: The chance to learn is 1% from what I read

crazy-tommy: Not sure if you noticed, but the 2nd star SPECIAL effects now gives 2 instead of 1. So stacking 2 Luck on all five armor parts could be a nice 10 Luck option for VATS crit full health builds, especially as the new endurance perks might now be able to cover elemental resistances freeing up the 2nd star slot on armor that you might have used for 25 fire or poison resist.

Justanobody8472: They need to triple the stash and double the legendary drops

TheModdedMachine: After the pickaxe glitch they said “wait minute I think we got something cooking here”

ouriel181: I think that If you scrap the module, you learn the plan

juanribas4842: Oh man those poor legendary super mutants at the eviction notice event

DrunkenRhinoceros: We need to have a method to mail bound items to same account alts.

Jul 07 2024

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