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Fallout 76 PTS: New Double Bloodied Railway \WestTek Nerf.

ThePencilOfChewed: "hey we noticed there is a huge bloodied meta and everyone is using Railway rifles! Lets reinforce the players to use this meta instead of encouraging a wider assortment of playstyles!"

Catapilamila: BY THE GODS, NOT WES TEK

Freshel: "Every build but commando crying in the corner"

willblake72: This is great, low health commandos really needed a buff LOL

olebrumme6356: West Tek nerfed to encourage buying scoreboard ranks for money maybe?

rasberiii: they shouldnt nerf west tek if theyre not adding a comparable way to get xp

WeiderMystic: Someone give a wellness check to Mr. WestTek lol

Im-Your-Huckleberry.: Well, this is good news.

I was just thinking the other day, not enough people use rr's or do enough damage with them. Definitely in need of a buff.

I'm sure this won't break events in the same way legacies did at all as well.

krinord: I don't get why they nerf stuff like westtek, why they even spend time even thinking about it when theres so many busted things they should be focusing on

joeversus7113: Bring back WhiteSprings Nuke Zone with infinite Glowing ones Spawns. That way it forces people to go out and drop a nuke to get a xp farm. Making it only last 2 hours on the server.

horridfuture3835: I’m convinced Bethesda hates every player over lvl100. They finally get the game where people say it’s decent then just start throwing out nerfs.

LawsFiveTwo: it absolutely blows my mind how they thought bloodied commando needed a buff, i love my q2525 railway and qe25 handmade but ffs, make other weapons and builds stronger.

hamleteagle534: I already hated commandos in Eviction Notice deleting the Mutants before they even spawn properly and turn legendary. Now with this, I'm going to hate them more.

Muh-Kuh: Just a small info regarding West-Tek, 25% less experience means you have to spend 33% more time for the same results.

paendapower: If they nerfed WestTek I guess I'm starting to use my Nuka grenades on events, don't care anymore.

berns3337: I think junkies should get a buff , i dont run bloodied and with the draw backs of junkies it should get a buff not as much as bloodied but it should get a slight buff from where it is .

GrapplerS10: The 10mm sub will definitely take a top tier weapon spot also. Looking forward to these new weapons.

electrontransferconduit657: "And.... fire!" Dead. That was a great laugh for this morning.

crazy-tommy: Regarding the comparision to your Quad Railway, you should test the Quad version also again on the PTS. They implemented a change for damage drop off at range on the PTS, which can be a factor when fighting flying scorch beasts. I'm using a QE25 version for so long now, that I already forgot how big impact the -25% VATS cost has ... it reduces the 7 AP per shot down to 2 AP per shot, so it's more like -70% VATS cost.

ivanfernandez6255: Make the alien blaster great again

Pets essential characters

There are so much things to do

peacemaker12892: I always just farm boardwalk for xp anyway, since i get legendary modules, free legendaries and ammo and of course stamps. I usually get 1 lvl per run if i have lunchboxes active, and can complete it in sub 10 minutes. All around more worth it to me, especially for legendary modules 1 garunteed with a chance for 2. Also i have over 2k stamps for when union pa finally returns.

PhantomBrews: Is bloodied..the only build?

BiPolarClay: The main difference between the Quad and the Bloody that you're not mentioning is the fact that you can get a Quad 50 Crit railway and that is by far stronger than anything else railway wise. Get Blight Soup and crit build and you'll beat boss's in 4-5 clips. A Bvhc isn't necessary as your perception is already in the mid 40's with UNY gear and perk stats. So the vhc isn't even needed on any Bloody weapon. This gun is viable for new players who don't have better options. But long term, get yourself a Q50BS and you'll not regret it.

Choconuez84: Great, I'm sure melee builds are screaming with joy and they'll have for sure EVEN MORE fun now at events.

clank7298: The elevator that leads to the FEV facility in West Tek is the key to the endless grind of xp in that location.

If they make it inaccessible in a future update, I’m gonna be pissed.

JACKALz: So, instead of making new weapons, they're making trade and vendor pricing obsolete. It isn't bad enough that you nerfed every other weapon.

Ruthless9o7: hoping and praying that the west tek lvl 75 super mutants are just a bug in the PTR. for the love of god they should be making stuff have a higher level not lower.

May 10 2024

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