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Fallout 76 PTS Legendary Crafting is Getting Better and More Good Changes. PTS New Update.

brianwilson3133: Do you think they should buff other legendary effects like juggernaut, furious or aristocrat's so that way bloodied doesn't have to be the go-to for damage output?

LeeBuddy: Could you imagine how someone from West Virginia would look like to the Fallout Show? We would look like gods of the wasteland.

TYRYT: Do a video about the explosive energy weapons! I covered it but not a deep dive. I’d like to see you do a deep dive on what’s possible and maybe talk a bit about how it works.

Bulky-Bulky: Well at least they are moving in the right direction. Still one out of one hundred is a lot for the part time gamer. But for someone that puts the hours/work in, it's a lot better. Thanks for the Video Angry Turtle.

solidus3168: Gone will be the days of the random bag with 20 1 and 2 star items.

georgewn1953: This may have already been answered but I have not seen it. What happens to all the legendary cores that we already have when this new crafting system drops ?

EyebrowBandit: getting 3 stats on items is definitely going to help players make the jump from their regular bloodied build to the new playable ghoul which (presumably) won't be able to easily use a bloodied build for that unyielding effect. Can't wait for this to hit live!

Mr.House_: Mr westek will love the intelligence buff on the armour and guns. he is an XP addict

HayastAnFedayi: Apparently Quad can be placed on crossbows again and Explosive on energy weapons again…at least plasma rifles so far, I’ve seen proof of it on Mr Wiggle’s channel.

JesseGee-oo9gg: So what will happen to the legendary cores we have saved up?? Do we need to use them before these changes are made?

DonVisric: I scrapped perhaps 200 - 300 legendary items and learned roughly 10 plans. Much better than previously.

adamnelson4455: They should add the unyielding effect to power armor

Jul 14 2024

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