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Fallout 76 PTS Do You Really Want A Quad Dragon?

Lordbobomb: They probably will make it so that a Quad Dragon will reload all 4 rounds at the same time at some point in the future, and i might actually go for it if that's the case.

mrkilljr.8743: Quick hands can reload all your shots instantly. I did a Black powder build with that perk and it did wonders for me

mrkilljr.8743: From the creators of quad single action

elionijames598: In original fallout 76 the quad BPRs were actually glitched and they had unlimited ammo, that’s why the perk was removed, they were cool, but broke way to fast

MashupsByMandy: They should just have a LUCK card where single shot guns (in standard form) have 50% to 75% chance to reload automatically after a 30 seconds in the inventory. That would prevent exploits with fast swapping active weapons in combat but would help players with broadsiders, harpoon launchers, bows, crossbows, dragons, black powder weapons, m79 grenade launchers where the damage of a single shot isn't usually enough for an event. (it would also buff Fat Man but I don't think that would make much of a difference as reloading a fat man normally would be superior than waiting anyway)

The chance to reload automatically also prevents players from swapping to a previously used gun before 30 seconds have passed as it would reset that weapon's timer, and it would create a unique build where the entire weapon wheel would be used.

probablybears: I did it without any perks or mutations, and it takes almost a whole minute for all 4 rounds. I was mashing reload, so there should have been 0 downtime between reloads.

kenikuno1634: If you drop an empty weapon and pick it back up, it gets reloaded. That might be quicker

SeroX51: Definitely Quad Dragon as the opener and switch to another Quad Dragon if there are survivors.

jacobpourchot6294: As someone who did level 1 to level 50 as a rifle and pistol build. I would totally do this build despite the long reload. It would be silly but strong.

RossMalagarie: A weapon wheel full of quad dragons would get you through 99% of all situations.

Someone_1994: if this comes to the base game i will transform my legacy dragon to quad

Jul 15 2024

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