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Fallout 76 Players Are Furious Over What Bethesda Keeps Selling in the Game..

nickryan4126: They need non functional versions of resource generators etc. We can't put a sink in a house in a shelter.

DouganDruid: The welcome mat is never going to return for normal camps because of trap camp builders and the lot. Too many people killing people traveling to the camp

KetoFitChef: I’ll be honest, THIS and camp budget are two of the biggest reasons that I don’t build in my shelters or purchase more of them (aside from the insane cost). It’s bad enough that we burn through resources like crazy, but it sucks getting halfway through an epic build and getting an “Exceeded Budget” message.

Allow us to use weather machines in OUR shelters and DOUBLE our budget. You can have a larger build area and budget in Custom World, which players pay money for, why can’t everyone have the same ability inside something those players ALSO paid for?!

Crooked60: The lighting is really a problem. It doesn't matter what you build in the shelters it's always going to look off because the lack of shadows and because the whole shelter looks like it was lit by fluorescent lighting.

Dolo357: Also fix it so we can build all the outdoor stuff in shelters. Update the shelter time from the server time so we can have a day night cycle, grow crops, collect water. If I have an "outdoor" shelter I should be able to use a weather machine in it. The unrelenting high noon flood lighting makes the place look so weirdly artificial, that I don't even want to hang out in there to build.

dakotasnyder7111: That welcome mat is never coming back lol, people cant help themselves being a-holes with trap camps, theres some that know about light footed but that means nothings if its one of those switch activated camps

IvanGarcia-xy7bf: Careful about the welcome mat wishes, it could be Used vary easily to troll and trigger players into a Trap camp/ shelter, I'm thinking that's probably one of the reasons they removed them imo

jasohavents: I would literally kill to just be able to put a damn sink and maybe have 1 Camp Ally per shelter room. Even if their quests are disabled.

Also to see the outside shelters get a button somewhere that you can adjust the lighting. Day/Dawn/Dusk/Night or hell even day/night would be cool.

matronmalice9867: How about let us use weather machines in there? I don't even build in shelters because of that, it's too bright and I don't always want to build in the mine or missile silo.

DadofCheems: Creators like myself keep buying them giving Bethesda the illusion they are doing an awesome job.

Sep 15 2024

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