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Fallout 76 Nuka Launcher 2024 The Most Powerfull Launcher Available from Atom Shop.

theheatinferno8420: Should be a reward for defeating the Ultracite Titan

99bkking: New weapons?

victorsoto4821: Not sure why they just didn't add the launcher for gold bullion, pretty greedy on beth's part

Supernovald: Looking back now, the nuka world/cola update was among the best and most fun, as nearly every reward was worth it, ESPECIALLY this weapon. And the fact that they brought nuka world on tour and brought us 2 new events.

mdskjoker: I wish there was another way to get the nuka launcher.

nathan43082: Fun fact: you can buy any item from the Atom Shop that has ever been in the Atom Shop, provided you know how to look it up.

swampsect: In a frigging 1.200 atoms bundle -_- . Shady to sell for atoms, at least sell it by itself...

nsc3412: Oh yay, guess I won't be seeing much the next time Uranium Fever comes up

braxen3937: My guess is that Bugthesda's plan is just to score some easy cash before they Nerf it in the next update.

And knowing how that works, it'll probably introduce 355 new bugs related to Explosive Damage

geraldofrivia5748: I want to be able to change the legendary perks on it

Dissenchanted2124: So instead of the run of the mill 25% Faster Fire Rate, it has 90ish% FFR, nice.

Jul 18 2024

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