R.Kardos: Every month should have one of these.
hughejass9461: Challenges are always appreciated. While the rewards may not be that impressive, free is free and good enough for me. Thank you again for another informative video. Keep up the great work and take care.
QuantumJay: Thanks for sharing! Dude, your website is insanely good too!
williamhutton2126: Thank you for all the work you do for the community.
SpendKaker: Anyone still struggling , check robco facility 5-6 micro there , westek building has 5-6 and arktos pharma in the basement ( biodomes ) has another 4-5 scattered around .
Raskol-Solipsysta: worth noting that mappalachia also has function to display items in the interiors - guess itll be very useful once everyone rushes to pick the open world items
Nobody18718: This app is a godsend, everyday I'm youtubing videos on how to find items
apocalypsekiddo: Not much interested in all the rewards but am definitely doing them for the gobo light, it's so cute
malaizjandejesus2779: Thank you for all the work you put in to make a FO76 player's life easier!
Nobody18718: Thank you
chrisredden9155: Thank you
Distandar: ty
lunarhexagon8108: very easy challanges this time for sure, no collecting ten of damn flower that somehow suddenly never spawns as that one year, even that item required to wear isnt as obnoxiously out of place as bright pink suit or suit with flower pattern, so those I quite like personally, as for rewards, as all valentines events, so far I got not single one I would really desire to us but I will collect them anyway because what if I decide to use them some day
guda0014: Great work again. I appreciate that.
aghostspider: I have a doctor/scientist.. I got to get that Head Mirror.. everything else is just extras!!
nesishoot2224: TY for map :)
glupshitto1977: I don’t know how much work goes into making an app but I NEED your app on iOS
MichaelsExplorations: The rewards are not good this event is not worth doing but to each there own
thelegendazure: Thanks for information.
BraveSirPaul: Thanks so much - always love your updates
HaHo-y3j: I appreciate you my man, thanks for putting out content.
Nukamancer76: Thank you Nuka Nights for the before the bend updates. I'm excited for spotlight on most of all!
cameltoeinspector6015: 1st......NOT!!!
shahermia6468: I hope Bethesda brings back the Birthday Event this year for new and returning players!
TheBuckbennyrides: A colour package of some base colours for armour/pa ahould already be a thing.
Gold, silver and chrome colours as well.
Turning off other players explosions should be done. This will help the servers and playability.
A cold display case to sell food from, so it wastes slower.
Each nuclear power plant active on a server should benefit the players. Either with lower prices at vendors and / or a scorch queen is summoned to attack the station. When all 3 are turned on, an event will trigger thats has 4 star mod drops.
Junk and bullets should automatically have a bulk system to keep down server issues and free up space.
Fallout first is way too expensive or needs more benefits. The game is a brutal slog of inventory management at the moment, and fallout 1st is just giving me a simple one button to store all the useless junk. That's it. I have millions of useless rounds and 10s of thousands of useless junk. Game sucks having to sort through the trash then drop the junk you dont need.
ukscf: Never seen a beaker junk item
Feb 06 2025