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Fallout 76 New Mothman Equinox Rewards Datamining August 2024

tjmarx: Those masks are probably some of the best masks they've ever put in the game. Especially that first one. Wow.

sbaltys: Man, I really hope we can wear hats with those masks.

biostemm: Some of these items do look cool, but I still have to ask why we haven't gotten any responders, enclave, or even just generic us army or vault-tec events...

biostemm: I do really like that illuminated lantern; they should add purple, red, & white variants of it!

Shuttle9: Someone get this man to be an audible voice actor.

Simonsaystostfu: The new mask reminds me of rust face mask

kevenblackworks1906: Those masks look fantastic, but can ypu wear them with hoods???

andarial3863: excited for the moth display

mallickeye: Well the last time the event came out it was broken and you couldn't get repeats and people complained which I wasn't quite sure why they would do that because if you can only get the plans you hadn't learned it's an easy way to make sure you get all the new Rewards. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it works that way when they release it again

walterbison: Oh no, not again. We just HAD this in May. Get some new events Bethesda.

leapinglizard3937: Those two display cases for the moths, are already in the camp build menu under the display tab.

Aug 09 2024

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