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Fallout 76 New Fastnacht Changes 2024 after Skyline Valley New Masks and Plans

Docwagon1776: Just a heads up, the audio quality on this one isn't as good as your usual excellence. I'm not complaining, just making you aware. The music is a bit loud over your voice in some spots. Thank you for the information!

darlingvonf5057: Got the cold war brainwash recording audio quality

leapinglizard3937: Unless there's a limit on the donation box, you know some jerk is going to take everything to sell.

j.h.2292: Truly a refreshing style of ediiting. No one is screaming at me "YOU MUST DO THIS!" or "YOU MUST DO THAT, BEFORE IT CHANGES!" Only the informations for the changes. Thank you <3

As someone already mentioned the Audiolevels need a bit of adjustment.

xmajinvegeta: Ich könnte schwören, dass der Sprecher ein deutscher ist

lolwtfldr3: Thank you for all you do for this community!

Rileykard: Can't wait to do 15 or 20 of these, give up on getting any plans / masks, go to the market and just offer 10k caps for each plan I'm missing.

ueo8847: Thanks for the vid

CT--qf6om: I forgot fasnacht was in 2 days

ghozt3043: I’ve never played this event before is it like hourly or how does this work? I’m definitely excited for this for sure

sirspanks8466: Pardon me but when in the hell do these events take place. I haven't had a chance to join one.

Jun 27 2024

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