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Fallout 76 Neurological Warfare Goliath Robot Boss Has Crazy Weakness Dead in Seconds!

thysquid2157: Gamma Gun value has just increased 1000% on Market76

Cheesus4You: They will fix this inside of a week, but AngryyTurtle's friend-list is unfixable and cannot even be reset by one of the biggest game studios...

ponchoman6277: Nothing could have prepared me for the way their hp just CHUNKED with each shot LMAO

creeperkiller9k975: On an unrelated note, it’ll be mildly interesting to use the gamma gun as a heal gun while playing as a ghoul

malfeastial: I bet they'll patch this before they patch the epileptic vendor menus

jhazard18: Here comes the patch in 3...2...1... Edit: It doesnt seem to work with Gamma Gun on Public Servers but works well with the Overly Generous Perk and any Auto melee weapon!

krypticmdmn2676: Maybe its something to do with the "bit rule" same as how picking 255 items up kinda works, im guessing that the Goliaths have so much rad resistance that there resistance has some how been reset to close to 0 or its bugged it out completely lol

meferan6300: "Overly Generous" perk from the Charisma is also works with any auto-melee weapons on this bosses. Perforator, Chainsaw e.t.c. :)

cynicalthoughts4695: Bethesda: well guys lets hope the players dont find out about thi...

Angry Turtle:

boonedox25s: So troubleshooter's gamma gun is the new Groll lmao

Zimbilimbim: 1000 Rad resist btw LOL

FilthEffect: Looks like radium rifles back on menu boys

TYRYT: What the hell

bloodspace2497: The Baja Blast strat

exit57: I thought under 4 minutes with auto axes was fast

Goonie856: How the hell to I “ Collect Vertibird fuel “ for todays daily challenge ? Never seen that one before

BeerTracks344: I laughed so damn hard at this. Thanks Turtle

KetoFitChef: I they have patched this already, I wish they would patch bugs that HURT us half as fast as the bugs that HELP us! They’re ridiculously fast if there’s a bug that the players benefit from! WOW!

Jun 21 2024

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