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SimbaLionheart: I know you said you weren't bothered about opinions but another good damage negation card if you fall into low health is Serendipity at 3* it will avoid all damage at a 45% chance per attack.

zackadams81: Thank you I’ve been looking everywhere for a “solo” build this was really helpful and gave good insight on a lot of the actual useful perks.

IfritBoi: concentrated fire can still shoot weak spots you wouldn't be able to shoot without it so it's pretty essential for a commando build. Would recommend a small adjustment for at least a one star concentrated fire just to be able to at least utilize it

reecewestmoreland6137: Glad i'm not the only one who names there weapons.

and that green house looks nice in the dark.

CarlosMartinez-mj6cu: Thanks for the video, and thanks for the tip about Pain Train. That will come in handy

scottm5121: Looks great thanks for Sharing

maybepurrf2: Awesome

saintgamer6973: How does it make sense to have two legendary perks that you don’t use 80% of the time :/ do you though.

erjikkzon: 3star expert commando ( 20%dmg) 3star master commando ( 20%dmg) = 40% dmg. Together costs 6 points

1star commando ( 10%dmg) 2 star expert commando ( 15%dmg) 3star master commando ( 20%dmg) = 45% dmg. Together costs 6 points

If you want save some points for other cards

Lordoftheapes79: My only criticism would be Ammo Factory. This slot can be better used. It only costs 1 perk coin to swap a card out, so 2 to swap this in and out while crafting. Yes, you're going to spend a few perk coins when you do, but it's equal to a single scrapped card.

May 10 2024

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