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Fallout 76 More Legendary Modules from Events!

zvijer2960: I like it. It's alive again. Most of the players participate in all high reward events. It has been a long time since most of the sever has participated in Uranium Fever.

gremlin5813: Trying to convince 10 random players not to shoot the nightstalker is a game in itself.

metallicaaa: The cool down on encrypted should be less or taken away also all boss fight events should all be 5 modules!

crazy-tommy: Good luck killing the nightstalker with an unarmed weapon before it gets obliterated by other player ;)

badwithsalt: I was amazed the other day when I ended up with a group that knew to only use fist weapons (unarmed) against the Nightstalker. I’m convinced it was the first time it happened ever

ThatGuyBradley: My favorite medics weapon is the nuka zapper. It uses no ammo and unlike melee medics you can heal from a distance.

brianrmc1963: I didn’t know about the variables in some of these events. Thank you.

B0RYTH: You can also farm the impostor sheep solo with fo first, just finish the event, get back to main menu, start a custom world and immediately cancel when you see "building world". Your previous private world got terminated and you can start a new one without cooldown

-joe-davidson: Do you feel like the game is better or worse after the update?

I feel like it's worse.. I can't even motivate myself to play anymore.

psycho37089: They should made it 10 modules so people would do project paradise i rarely see people doing it

LuggageStardate: Did you leave out the obvious server hopping to do more than 1 event every 20 mins? Some of the events are short.

Sep 16 2024

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