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Fallout 76 Minerva Location and NEW PLANS July 1517

DO1122223333: Love your videos, but using AI art is tacky.

falloutgar918: Wow. She FINALLY learns some new plans and it’s an umbrella hat and kids bed. Lamesauce. But great video!

Gundumb_guy: Bethesda needs to really work on getting her new plans because everyone has all the same plans she cycles through. I get new players need these but I’d say the vast majority of players don’t. It’s such a cool concept and she offers really good deals so it would be cool to see her get some cool new things with each appearance.

walterbison: I could just check a website to see her locations and plans but I much prefer watching your videos. Entertaining, good job.

jackp1118: Can you guys stop milking Minerva, she sells the same plans most people have anyway

nomadofnuketown: I love the creativity behind your content. And while Minervas sales are always recycling this is a nice fun video advertising her current sale. Great job guys. Keep it up!

collincutler4992: I got my T65 plans all fixed up last week:)

Then realized I didnt have enough flux for the jet pack :/

alpharius425: Been waiting half a year for the BOS recon set! Only have 2 pieces from ops in that time. RNG hates me

alexeimax2: oof... almost 10k of gold for the recon armor... men, time to grind like crazy

mioszkret1450: the AI 'mini-story' is incredible. which service/software did you use?

Jul 13 2024

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