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Fallout 76 Laser Gun Ultracite Laser Rifle are Finally Good!

Faytedsoul: This change is entirely because of me. I just scrapped two god-roll laser guns less than 48 hours ago so of course I find out they are getting better right afterward.

MattHogue-w1i: This is great news, I love that they are bringing other weapons up to par instead of nerfing everything fun.

trayfunk420: You may have already answered this question, or perhaps one of your community members. How does the V63 Compare to the Standard Laser Rifle with all the mods you showed on the video?

Momofukudoodoowindu: Laser rifles were such a forgotten weapon they were about to end up on the Forgotten Weapons YouTube channel, for a while there. Glad BGS remembered other weapons exist in their game other than the handmade/fixer/Railway.

willengage2661: A war going on in the background and Turtle is calm as ever as he gives out his knowledge.

Yukon-Jack: I hope so! I always liked laser rifles.

meccabeez8113: The hair trigger capacitor on automatic laser weapons has been fixed a long time ago with the boardwalk paradise update, you can check it in the patch notes: system/modification (patch 47, Dez. 2023)

tiltdoherty: They were always good, people just don’t seem to use any commandos that aren’t Rail Fixer or Handmade. Give me an auto enclave Tesla or laser rifle any day

thebearup: I want to know why laser rifles have less range than fixer/handmade. Lasers are literally photons that travel in a precise direction for near-infinite distance. Ballistic projectiles are hindered by gravity and air interference. It makes no sense.

keithcummings3260: Filming while Spin The Wheel is popping off and he doesn't go to the weapon workbench on the other side of the park. That there's an Alpha Turtle move.

So there's Turtle, shooting the VIM! machine. When he suddenly stops and goes, "this laser rifle is giving me some exquisite performance! Fellas, I must take my leave of this event...the world shall know of this buff, and not a second to waste. Carry on in my absence, lads!"

Or else, there he is laying down fire on some bloodbugs. Suddenly he's aware of the camera, so he stops and addresses it. "Oh, hi! I'm Angry Turtle. You may remember me from videos such as, 'How To Kill A Building Full Of Mutants With Only Three Grenades'; 'Fool Your Allies' A.I.'; and 'D.O.T.'s The Way To Run Expeditions'." (Walks away from Spin The Wheel while his gun remains suspended in the air, killing bugs) "And I'm here today to talk about 'lasers'..."

darthsilversith667: Nice! I have a QE25 ultracite rifle

Oct 23 2024

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