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Fallout 76 Just Got Something Thats Better Than You Think..

mucusofwanderhome6945: Complete waste of atoms

DiddlyDoran: Bruh the tampon add coming up as soon as the hotdog appeared on screen is wild.

T101-p7p: Is Nuclear Winter back yet?


slams cryopod door

chris5942: That isnt green smoke. Its a rad storm.

sen1348: If you had to choose between the deathclaw slow roaster or the mirelurk steamer, which one is better? Which gives the better buff food?

In terms of appearance and what is cooler is definitely the Deathclaw roaster XD

ChrisIsMyRealName2: The BBQ honestly looks super cool

demonoid7469: As an Unarmed carnivore main, Between The Radstag and Thrasher Dressing Stations, The Mirelurk Steamer, The Pemmican Collector and now this...I have more food then I need except for mutant hounds...but IF i decide to farm West Tek for levels, I end up with a lot of that meat as well

roonkolos: Im a carnivore player through and through. Thats never gon a chang

But herbivore players need some love too

DeathByFrenchFry: whats the point of the bbq grill if you cant cook on it??

LycanXPGaming: Will nobody talk about the hot dog? you know from where that meat comes from

Sep 12 2024

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