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Fallout 76 Just Got a Secret Treasure Hunt Quest You Wont Believe What it Rewards Players..

yieyito: I fartd really hard

micksdarwinlife274: "Thou shall get sidetracked by b.s every gdam time" - The Ghoul

wintersteale8869: Sorry but this "treasure" hunt is absolutely ridiculous and the reward is stupid as hell. Who ever heard of a totem only being an inch tall?! I don't consider this a treasure.

Hopefully they do something with the bunkers. It would be nice to see a side quest involving all the bunker locations. It's weird that none of them are actually useful and not really bunkers either.

sodadrinker89: What I got was a Totem Pole for ants.

clownz89: "Ooop Theres another one!" pop pop pop xD loved it

Christ.t: I gotta friend named Alex that got me into 76 & he currently is going through some terrible stuff causing him to not be able to play. So these videos have been great ways to get Alexs mind off those things & back into 76. Also he loved the recreation video of the show & the nuketown remake! Keep it up!!

Groove_Gamer: ngl laughed pretty hard when I saw how small it was

ohnoitscalixx5379: There’s an npc in the valley that creeps me out I don’t know. It’s the electrician, I encountered this guy the second time. Found him fighting blood eagles. Again tried talking to him and he disappeared in a small explosion

Razburri: I'd it more of a landmark than a "Totem Pole".... Totem poles are more of the indigenous beliefs.

Just me, being a Coast Salish/Indigenous person.

Jun 23 2024

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