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Fallout 76 Just Got a New Essential Camp Item You Wont Believe What It Does...

SatoshiMatrix1: As a long-time 76 player, I would like to see more variety in the seasonal events - not just Fasnacht every few months. Fasnacht should be an annual event only. Instead of Fasnacht, Meat Week and the Mothman events over and over, there should be simply more seasonal events in general. I recall a few years ago there was a Halloween event at Whitesprings. Now apparently that was buggy for some players. I hope Bethesda fixes that and brings that back, plus more events LIKE that!

richburnham431: I want the glowing alien time to no life lol

rockero1313: I'm sure I won't ever get that butter thing but it's a cool item anyway

justanother240: The ammo converter is the real game changer when it comes to getting fuel. This won't even come close.

dhotnessmcawesome9747: Or you can turn steel into rail road spikes and turn rail road spiek sinto ammo converter points and then use those points to buy fuel. What else are you doing with 856730975 steel?

BigCowProductions: I recently started fussin' with Holy Fire, so this is gonna be great!

golddragongaming1: Assuming it was not cut after the data mining was done, I really want the unicorn masks!

teddrewflack400: I mean it’s cool and all , but I just run daily ops and get thousands of fuel in a half hour , even more if I run expeditions , I currently have 25k fuel and have never crafted a single one .

tomfoolery2964: No butter though?

VineyardGHS: Still have never found a purpose for oil so no thank you

MultiViper777: Thanks for the vid! Wouldn't have known fasnacht would be live until I got on late tomorrow. Now I'll make sure to login early enough to start doing the event!

Jun 26 2024

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