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Fallout 76 Just Got a 20GB Update...It Has Massive Problems

aristellaikuden1375: Bethesda has an update that has problems? Who would have expected this? So unexpected.

mtssman: Here we go again, and again, and again...

Tmalbers21: Fallout 4 still broken? Funny how The Toddfather broke the single player game while juicing the pay to play game at the height of the Fallout buzz..

dylanmeyer72: Bethesda loves breaking their games so much

Gamer1990100: The day a bethesda update doesn't break something is the day when pigs fly

brananananandon: The Gauss shotgun was already in need of a buff before this update. No idea why it got nerfed even more.

noneeris: I hate so much the fact that Fallout belongs to Bethesda

biostemm: Best builds shouldn't take precedent over actual player camps... Instead, they should appear and disappear as player camps are placed or removed...

Ohverture: That power armour freeze bug was happening to me semi-regularly long before this update.

reallybigjohnson: That's me. I am the guy that stops and loots every corpse after ever kill :D

spartan2277: I've dealt with getting stuck in my power armor for a long while now I'm glad someone is talking about it.

JCee3223: I don't know any other community that lets its game developers abuse them as much as Bethesda does. I mean every update breaks something major and it takes them weeks (if ever) to fix again.

The Pip-Boy lag being one of these issues. If it were the atomic shop that went down, trust me they'd fix it within the hour.

Tinywars: Just like Fallout 4. They’ve left that game in a huge mess.

user-li8mm5ru8s: Of course the update is busted. I played the game quite a lot and had fun but couldn't take it anymore

wintersteale: The fact that Bugthesda still breaks more than they add or fix in an update is sad and pathetic. Healing serum is broken, ap is messed up, the changes they made to flame weapons are absolute garbage and seem backwards. My Holy Fire does a LOT less initial damage, seems to only do 1 tick of tiny dot and then completely gives out. The scrapping is broken and doesn't actually give you the mod or recipe at times and there is no category showing up in the tinkers bench for it. Also, if we don't get bobbleheads and other items needed to craft from loot then why is it a required resource? PA hud is messed up as well as getting stuck. The Best Build concept is already being abused to hoard camp locations and lure players to camps. These camps don't deserve to be on a BEST of anything. Liking camps as a challenge is a HUGE problem and should not be in game. Most of the changes are broken, don't work as intended or just suck. The ratio has the scales massively tipped on the side of

OryxAU: Fortunately for me I've not run into any problems besides the power armor bug. I find I can just fast travel to fix it if it happens. So far I'm really enjoying the damage changes, it strikes a good balance as enemies don't just fall over right away anymore, actually makes you focus on finishing enemies instead of one tapping everything. And of course as you said, there's less of a rush to tag enemies, which was really needed.

Seems like they know what they're doing as far as vision, but it does seem like they're going a bit too fast for these updates. They need to allow the dev team to slow down a bit. I know content droughts are rough, but I think for example this whole update would have had a much bigger impact with caravans in it. The changes are good, but I would have been happy enough waiting a couple weeks for it all to hit.

louskywalker9656: On the legendary crafting, I scrapped over 1k legendary items between 5 characters and only learned 1 mod

watching1513: Everyone needs to submit a ticket about the LOOT we are MISSING OUT ON! I’m PISSED

ChrisIsMyRealName2: While this update is pretty buggy I haven’t heard anyone complain about the main part of the update being postponed since we have a lot to do now with the new legendary system.

I was unyielding so bad.

WhiteEagle8888: Bugtester Studios at its finest.

MojaveWalker715: I’ve forced myself to try to get into 76 multiple times a year since launch, I just can’t do it anymore no matter how positive I try to be about it. It’s literally just become destiny at this point.

Sep 08 2024

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