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Fallout 76 Ghoul Update EVERYTHING We Know So Far!

Krishnath.Dragon: Ghouls are interesting, but I think I'll keep my main character human.

renanpereira1445: I'm really hoping that it gives a a breath of fresh air for the full health builds.

temperedglass7094: There's gonna be a lot of Cooper Howards when this update comes out

mikelangelo1232: Becoming a ghoul

killerisawsome2918: Perfect technically my main character is already a ghoul with all the mutations I have now I can look the part

mohrtechgaming1004: They did say that if you regret the choice of becoming a ghoul, you can change back later.

zacharystephens174: We have concept art and mechanics for a Super Mutant and Super Molerat mutations for Fallout 76! I hope those get introduced if the Ghoul race does well

breab6930: I wonder what the brotherhood has to say about being a ghoul

Al99NextGeneration: I think that as Ghouls we should be able to voluntarily release radiation from our bodies like the Glowing Ones, thus decreasing our radiation levels but irradiating everything else :)

VulMori: Oh man, imagine ghouls doing well and we possibly have Super Mutants, or even that odd ball Mole Rat design they made before this game released.

olebrumme6356: I'm kinda concerned about the 30 Ghoul perks we're getting. Guess we better start saving level ups because that will get pricy fast if most of them are needed to play a Ghoul. I assume the regular perks don't work or are way less effective.

Alexdraculas1988: Different Ghoul powers? future Frank horrigan build....

joebenzz: So for a bloodied build you get yourself to 20% health using radiation as a human, then you become a ghoul and your rads will be locked at 20% health at all times?

Sep 28 2024

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