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Fallout 76 Crazy New Weapon Combo Not Available before Legendary Crafting. Try It.

yanncourtinard8179: The thirst zappper, remind me the "Noisy cricket" in men in black

Dinosaurman34: Today I rolled an Auto axe with 15% reload speed.

I can now reload my chainsaw faster.

dorndy1: Turtle: Posts video highlighting powerful new weapon.

Fallout Dev deciding what gets debuffed on next update: "WRITE THAT DOWN! WRITE THAT DOWN!"

chester__83: yesterday, I found a Q faster fire rate faster reload bow in a vendor and bought it bc iirc, those couldn't be on a bow for a long time and hey, it's a huge meme, it literally behaves exactly the same as a non legendary bow! it's absolutely hilarious and I love it :D

Quad simply shows 4/1 in the bottom right but as you pull out an arrow every time, it just goes to 0 and 4 again.

reload - same animation as without.

ffr - same speed as without

BadAssSykO: I got a Quad, Explosive, Reduced Weight Missile Launcher from Expeditions.

ChiRhoFTW: I would love to see a min/maxed thirst zapper build

OriginCorey: Just did a medics thirst zapper and left it shooting water, infinite ammo healing gun. Named it “medicinal super soaker”

Dzaal17: I just got a baseball bat with 15% reload speed, it's amazing! The reload speed goes down to 0!

harrisonfnord5871: Now i want to craft a Quad Hellstorm.

genkigirl4859: You murdered mr prizebot!

Rorschach1998: Quad on gatling plasma can give you 2000 shots per core and 2500 shots for gatling laser.

ciroascarelli3717: Maaaaan with all these creative OP weapons with new legendary crafting...i swear bethesda will soon announce an emergency patch coming

MidKnightXMB: Bethesda are gonna nerf the Thirst Zapper for no reason

genkigirl4859: I made a quad gamma gun with exploding bullets and less ap cost….it destroys most things before the clip runs out lol

MrLakraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: So, fun fact the Thirst zapper can be even more op, because there is a way to actually fire 4 projectiles at once (actually 2 in rapid succession) all you gotta do is quickly ads after shooting and you will shoot a second time

Sep 13 2024

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