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Fallout 76 Crafting Civil Engineer Set with Weapon Weight Reduction. Is 500 Modules Enough?

Petrusiliuszwack: Turtle is secretly farming Pickaxes xD

mmww_: This is a perfect demonstration of why the scrip limit is so low

CrusterfunkShenanigans: I spend over 5k Modules to get full secret service unyielding with food, drink and chem weight reduction stats, I rly cba to ever try rolling something specific in this game ever again ;)

godsspartin117: We need a daily script limit increase. Or at least do some unlimited script weekends that way we can clear off all our characters.

dominicolson6978: How do you always grind out so many legendary modules? Could you make a video on your method? I grind a lot of expeditions, but I would never get anything close to 500

hxoa6581: this is the best armor set in the game as far as i'm concerned... the way DR works in 76 is the same as how it works in Fo4, meaning that you realistically only need 250-300 DR, and civil engineer hits those figures easily, as well as having the 35% weapon degrade speed% is just another way to save perk cards on a build, as well as being tradable so you can trade jetpacks... this set is amazing.

liquidsworrds3818: Assassins AP sent scrapped

thejoemingus: i think this video shows how badly the rerolling system needs to be adjusted or they could increase the scrip limit or something, the way that it is right now is horrible

Eternity_of_Darkness: Me over here still not having a full set of unyielding ss armor with int ... After like what four years?

danielschander6586: Wait wait wait..... You said something...

Does having weightless on all your armor make the chameleon mutation work? Like, does it act like you have no armor on?

Jun 23 2024

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