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Fallout 76 Caravan Qu0026A, Get More Suplies Faster, Tips and Tricks.

kaiseromen: I really wish they'd buff the amount given by helping others with their caravan,its almost a punishment to not run your own

wintersteale: I'm already over this caravan crap. The skyline area is too dark, the brahmin keep getting stuck or going in circles, the rewards are awful and I have to PAY to run my own caravan? Would have liked to have all the stuff they broke in the update to be fixed instead of this.

Pyrate_Of_Las_Vegas: Caravans are nothing more than '"Free Range" but more boring, more broken and with worse rewards.

antonfowler6582: The dialog choice to " TELL ME ABOUT " just hires them I want to know WHAT they do BEFORE I hire them

kalebcarter3477: I think it was a missed opportunity by Bethesda giving a reduced reward unless you start your own caravan. Imagine if expeditions or daily ops gave better rewards to the team leader only ?

Bethesda should be promoting server participation as much as possible with this new content but this current system does not align with that.

cysix4939: Endless circle bug is a showstopper. Wasted 20 full minutes staring at a brahmin butt for nothing... not doing that again. Plenty of other stuff to do until that NASTY bug gets fixed.

beeBunny: This is a perfect example of the game's player base, with five people joining the caravan and no one willing to heal the brahmins

SuperSubmachinegun: Medics Double Barrel shotgun full heals a Brahmin from near death to full in 2 trigger presses. and it uses 2 shotgun shells, not precious fusion cells

James_Bee: Came across an interesting bug, for lack of a better description. I started a caravan and it started at the exact same spot another person's caravan was at. I'm fairly certain theirs was in progress already, but maybe they started just before mine.

Anyway, both of our Brahmin were moving together, but mine finished first and rather quickly, or maybe it just seemed that way.

I immediately joined the other caravan, but it went on for 10-15 minutes!

We came all the way back around to where it had started and then went back to about where mine ended before that one was done. It was weird.

yurigroenkan: Seems again to be a big misfire from the team.

You have to do countless runs to get supplies and use those to upgrade the employees and after you've done that you get some camp items and some outfits.

If one person gets the New Carabine gun ,

it can then be crafted in multitudes and given to others.

It's useless to assist anyone because you get bubkess for helping.

The rewards are seriously ridiculous.

So this whole endeavour feels like busy work to me.

(Not even considering the glitches and the crashing that will fail the run in most cases)

RafaelSantos-pi8py: All i want is the V63 carbine. Everything else is crap and these caravans just seem pointless chores made to seem there's content and keep players busy. Beside, there are only three settlements with people in it, Crater, Foundation and the one made of treehouses in the bog. Why aren't the caravans going there instead of Skyline Valley where no one lives?

thescribe4742: Hol' up... you get 50 supplies for completing your own caravan, but at MAX, you only get 10 for helping someone else? That's straight up brahmin pie

Poke-ladd: I don’t think Brahmin like the fire truck which is on the hillside, it will literally go around it, turn around to stare at it and then shake its ass at it before leaving

antonfowler6582: Freindly fire plus cremator works well with this event

Pyrate_Of_Las_Vegas: Here's a fun New Feature Player Camp turrets will target and attack Caravan Brahmin.

michaeltate7287: TLDR: The juice isn't worth the squeeze. Just do expeditions or encryptid.

fabrictoucher152: That endless brahmin bug. Legit sent me spiffing out in rage. 1200c for a 30 minute tour around the same parts

Sep 23 2024

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