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FALLOUT 76 Brahmin Caravan Guide Milepost Zero

perceivedvelocity9914: This part of the map needs more content but putting a caravan in Skyline valley doesn't really make sense. There are no npc settlement's there. Who are we delivering goods to? A run from foundation to the brotherhood makes more sense to me.

waynetrain4636: before you join a caravan, make sure to start one yourself, you get 10 instead of only 1 supply upon completion what you get when you complete your own caravan afterwards

JMan-The_AntiCitizen-: I dont understand, the elements of the game that would reward grinding are not allowed, but what you grind has absolutely garbage rewards? Why do they not want things to be fun?

SilverStripe82: Played solo and played a few in teams. It's really not that engaging. Disappointed.

AlejandroGarciaJr: I don’t see anything fun about this

Poke-ladd: I’m wondering if players will start to put camps near the routes and just unleash turret chaos

olebrumme6356: Just another lame update with lotsa grind and little rewards.

Mpediment: On e again it is impossible to make everyone happy. Personally I feel a lot of people nowadays are just unhappy with anything unless it (whatever it is) was made by them for them. Which it wouldn’t be . People need to stop bitching , and instead enjoy the fact that there is new content. Honestly realize you have an easier time being happy then unhappy. Me myself I am just glad to see more content, thank you Darth, and thank you Bethesda.

RIZZYFLOURS: I got about 700 supplies and the Brahmin tamer won't unlock the regenerating health for the Brahman.

Also it's tedious and not that great, if you spend more caps the supply haul should be greater.

Also lemme just throw this out there: in the mist of doing about 60 of these events it crashed about 20 times leaving me at 1000 caps lost each time and no rewards for my time, so basically I paid 1100 caps, played it, got far, it crashed, lost caps and valuable time from my life.

angelleon5764: You really spend 5 hours going hard to unlock all the vendors thank you

MullerLetLoose: I just herded a brahmin around the entire valley 1 and a half times, Brahmin never chose a box.

Sep 22 2024

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