brandonbiochucky3116: nah the raids is the best
CarlCarlssonn: my favourite way is no way...i dont like grind, i just enjoy the game :)
BreweryRoad: Spamming the robot for the win...
AlexDuos: Raids require a team that's geared and knows what to do or high expertise for a solo run. Anyone can just face roll the keyboard through an expedition.
Arkham8076: At the start of a new season, I have about 2000 Nuka grenades saved up. I can reach level 100 in the season after 10 hours of running West Tek, even after the grenade debuff. I seriously doubt there is a faster way... However, since the endgame is learning how to craft all the legendary mods, then farming the EN06 has got to be the most productive way. You get decent XP, legendary gear, and mods. At this point if you want to be as efficient as possible in F76 (yeah, I know it's not the most fun), all you need to do is farm the first stage of the raid.
nathan43082: For me, farming the EN06 Guardian over and over is the best XP because I can glitch the button and kill him more than once a minute. Further, I get a LOT of box modules, including the 4-star ones, and lots of gear to crunch for plans. At this point, my main only needs to more 3-star recipes and then he's done with all the pre-raid box mod recipes. My main alt, on the second account, has about 2/3rds of them learned.
Dead_Pool_Rising: It's the raid. It's the raid hands down. These other methods are braindead and boring.
idngoldlegend1815: People keep saying raids. Honestly, the expeditions can be pretty accessible for some folks. Some, like me, dont really have the gear necessary to run raids solo or with people. I was deadweight the last time i did raids and i was like lv 570ish. Yes, even around that level im still pretty mid
Ccubed92: Dang yal be level 1000 still doing xp farms that ms crazy lol
ranerez438: I farm bot
98k per round. 45 secs round
michaelmckenzie5477: Robot
larrisAWSOME: If you got the build, it's raids by a huge country mile, if you don't it's most dangerous game. Westtek is a waste of time. You aren't getting anywhere near as much ammo as most dangerous game, you miss out on way more legandaries and stamps, and quite frankly the bar of entry is much lower in terms of resource use for most dangerous game.
SavingSummons: Everyone talking about do the raid. Not everyone can do the raid calm down. Trust me ive tried people insta kick constantly. And im not even that bad. Like im a lower level i get it but im over level 100 with a good auto axe. Im glad he is showing something other than "farm the bot"
LostHope84: Expeditions mute my game
Sp3ecial_K: I would run Atlantic City constantly if my game wouldn’t freeze all the time
neilduarte1986: Raids give you a ton of resources compared to any other activity in the game & is how I got so strong as a beginner lvl 500 in one season.
If you can, stick with raids for now..
Expeditions don't give you 4star builds as a random drop.
Thanks for info really appreciate it!
skeletorfive5585: Thanks
luves1233: Probably depends on the speed of your farm regardless of the area you choose.
Cause for 2 mins 1 getting in ect and 1 taking the bot down on a full team im getting 25k xp and im not even pressing int hard cause I'm set up for raids.
Wes-Tek is prob quicker but that requires nuka's an the scoreboard farm setup and i don't wanna go back to that till the new season starts.
Well to do it quickly anyway you can just run through blasting everything and it just takes longer.
Crazygamer-cy3yh: West tek for junk and caps Atlantic City for exact ammo and legendary drops with legendary modules and they are both good for real solo and team
jimmyPx9: I have an honest question. After your character is in the 400s, what's the point of leveling up and maxxing XP ?
On 2 characters (1 ready to go to be a ghoul), they are both in the 400s, have all of the perk and Legendary cards we'll use maxxed out as well.
Don't get me wrong I love the game and play regularly but now I don't really care about XP.
So am I missing something about needing to level up more ?
skeletorfive5585: Im new to expeditions. If i dont know the expedition and take longer or dont get all objectives does it effect how many stamps i get. Trying for union power armor
black_m2_arg647: Expedition has 3 loading screens... For ps4 users like me, it means wasting like 5 minutes per run and for everyone else means a stupidly high chance of crashing. Besides that, for some reason I only get 21k xp for completing the run while having like 50 inteligence
posdos6677: west tek if you rich you could do it faster then 4min over and over without waiting time
just go down and throw 2 nukes and then go up and they will be respawn 95%
Momofukudoodoowindu: If you have skill issues then sure
But raids will always win. People complaining about Raids being the answer have skill issues.
lazzagazza6546: snake is 300k every 3-4 minutes..
Feb 16 2025