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Fallout 76 Best Way To Spend Your Season Tickets

jokerj8989: Perk coins are the only thing worth getting in the end and the cremator.

AnxietyRanger: I'm on 93. With 300 tickets left after buying everything. Prob grind it out tomorrow morning lol. Jerry Lawler smacking Andy Kaufman tho, beautiful touch brotha xD

michaelgolladay3672: Also a veteran after taking a few breaks here. Those perk coins are gold to me. But, I'm also a camp hoarder. Love my camp junk in the wasteland

moongoalie2410: I personally missed the old scoreboard. Far more creative.

mojoranstark709: The water boiler is really good too

leecheezy4901: Rank 123 and doubt I’ll hit 150 before the next season. They really screw over FO1st people bc we get no extra tickets and a lot of the FO1st rewards cost tickets. Can’t get everything once you reach 100. I’m short on 5 items that I can’t afford and 25 tickets is just not enough.

JustChadTv: Good call on atoms idea. Perhaps added next season. Good for veterans that haven't played in a while almost a choice between season items and atoms. I think that would be fair. You have the choice to min max on seasons. They really have a chance going into the fall and this holiday season to make a butt ton more money and really get this game in track. Give a bright future and a thunbs up from me.

JustChadTv: Bros gonna hit 5k subs soon!!! Let's gooooo

OGXavier420: I'm 667 on my main. I just hit 167 on the scoreboard, and agree that perk coins is the way, unless you've maxed them out. I was torn at first, as taking 1 legendary perk to 4 stars is 300 coins. That's 900 tickets, which is 36 ranks. It seemed steep until I realized I'm only getting 8 perk coins every 5 levels...so 300 coins is 187.5 levels

kharjothekhajiit1669: I just got to rank 100 tonight. I think I'm good where I am. I don't see myself getting to 150 before the end of the season. I'm just going to use the tickets I have and get what I can.

targetrein: Hit 120 score today. I think I'll hit 150 by the very end, assuming double score weekend June 20-24 and popping boosters for the weeklies. Got a super late start (returning player)

Jun 05 2024

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