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Fallout 76 Battle Loaders Dragons The Fastest and Most Fun Way to Destroy EN06 Guardian Shield.

Momofukudoodoowindu: And this is why we watch Turtle. Him and his chat always find the weirdest and most fun stuff to do in 76.

SpaceDwarf55: Turtle's prefix and suffix should be 'mad experimenter'

dynastyjumpzz: They 100% shouldnt patch it so that the dragon got at least something going for it.

Steve-go6oq: I've been loving my quad black powder rifle and full battle loaders SS armour. It's a good laugh.

foxwithagun2540: Aw hell yes, I was building my character around the piracy idea for years.

dmetaldragon6886: Furious auto axe is faster than anti armor

exit57: I love the bash reloading more than anything else in this video

mjasax: Use executioners auto axe and crouch for sneak damage, even faster

drewb9911: nice, was farming the first boss while watching this and got a quad dragon lol

SeventySix101-d4w: I just scraped the dragon weapon

Oneil1570: I would love to see a full team run this through the whole raid.

isaacb8106: I’ve been doing a similar thing with a baseball bat and the ricochet perk, just stand there with the bat and the shield goes away in about 3-5 seconds, then auto ax the rest, my fastest is 47 seconds right now

seccosec: Nice!

Osmotic: I've been playing around with Battle Loaders and a quad last shot assaultron head. I didn't really build around it but it's still a silly fun build. Bash, fire for 3-8k, repeat. That 20% cripple chance though? Inspired!

eragon502: If you crouch you can get occasional sneak attacks when the guardian is volnurable.

MarkJThompson: This is bonkers! I’ve been getting quite a few dragons drop from EN06.. he’s going to regret that !

maisysworld5855: This and mechanics best friend will blow peoples minds !

NorthernChev: Looking forward to your Raid "teeps and treeks" video.

joaovasco3059: First I did this boss "normaly". Then, I started to use ricochet and bullet shield, and after that the autoaxe to bot's HP, and was able to do it in 2 stages I think. Then I got pounders, and after ricochete and bullet shield, wiped him in less then 10 seconds, with the furious power attack strength pounders autoaxe. Then I saw a vid and changed my stored Vampire autoaxe, to be exactly as the other one, but without electrified or any mod, with it I kill the shield behind the bot till he gets on position, change to the other autoaxe and melt it as usual. I still have to see this vid, and for sure it will be great as usual and very funny as it seems, but even if this method is a second faster, which it isnt cause I kill the shield till the bot gets on position, I will not follow it...unless I get to a point where Im so sick of farming the poor bot, that I want to experiment different ways to do it...

lunarhexagon8108: I also noticed you can break those small windows under guardian when they open, some people do it every time guardian raises, but I am not sure what it actually does, do anyone knows?

psycleshift: Pipe wrench works as well.

tylerm968: This is an interesting discovery; good job Turtle

joeyreconx: I miss the ammo glitch. That was when Fallout was the most fun

maisysworld5855: Uh oh he released this video. Iykyk

graysoncarlyle2399: Innovative use of an underused weapon. Nice!

Jan 09 2025

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