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Exploring The Borders Of The Map Fallout 76

The-truth894: One of the very reasons i continue to play this game, love finding little gems and the attention to detail to things paint a picture of what was before the Fallout.

danbtherockstar: Awesome video! I always loved exploring the wasteland. I spent so many hours crawling ( I’m always over encumbered, I’m a fallout hoarder ) over it seems like every inch of fallout 3 & NV. nice to see Bethesda still puts some random fun things around that have no point other than “ some gamer will find this and think it’s cool”

ChuckMayzak: Love your voice and dedication in showing and sharing your adventures! Thank you!

caspiansfriend: Cool idea. I love the little stories that you came across. The toaster in the tub, for instance. Accident? I think not, given the other examples we see in Appalachia where characters sadly decided they'd had enough. As for the chair, interesting. It must have been a spectacular view of the bombs dropping.

HaHo-y3j: Thanks for the content! So glad you’re back on here

nickekdahl7837: I've thought of making this same journey several times, thanks for the vid showing what can be found...

golemonplay: Your videos about Fallout 76 are very good.

WolfmanJayMunster_13: You should do a video covering all the Easter egg references, a lot of people dont know about them but pretty sure everyone has seen the Beetlejuice bridge. Only been playing a little over a year and haven't found everyone of them but have came across a few on my own.

stevefred2694: Whoooahh new music

TheCluckinTurkey: Loved the video!!

TheWombat2012: I’ve played since day one of Beta, and often meant to “square the map”, by starting in one corner and walking all the way around back to the start again and see what I could find.

Great video!

renelebeau3695: Love your intro! Makes me wanna bust a move

henrikmonkee: The little cabin you said you've never seen before sometimes has a dead yao guai inside, it's a hunters cabin that one

rickynolen8882: I like finding these little out of the way surprises on the map, I'll have to go check some of them out Thanks.

nukacolanut6095: Too funny...i I actually found that cabin for the first time this weekend! Mine had settlers.

turdle21: Thank you! I enjoy all your videos! Very relaxing. Do you know anything about the mysterious cave up in the top right of the map?

FarothFuin: there is a marked location near that cabin, is a mirelurk den taken by raiders

Far-Visions: I have my camp built at the shack. Just a fyi there are also 3 graves next to the shack. Few random signs that you can't interact with on them.

myster5y: I once got out of the border my friend couldn’t believe it even tho I took a screen shot of me outside of the map.

mitch8172: There's a mirelurk queen close to the mirelurk kings also

mitch8172: I've seen the cabin just a couple days ago, not sure how long it's been there.

maksafi: Guess it's just about time to eat... and drink

antiusromanus1500: Thanks

Spodeboy: When I go to the border of the map, the game just says "you can't go there" or something like that.

CRxMSxN5150: i enjoy your videos. your aura is very relaxing.

ChinoTejas: Oh no I have my base on the border of the map hope no one finds it i like the peace and quietness out here

Feb 20 2025

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