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Expected Changes Coming With Update Fallout 76

chill_will9816: An even MORE powerful railway rifle! Wow, thats exactly what this game needs! /s

bonaelzee: June 25th is perfect. I’m almost at rank 100

nukaknights: Thank you for your support

D_Da_Tree: that tesla rifle is a spitting imagine of what i have (quad 25 15). But the fact it has double capacity, two shot, and ffr? god roll and a half...

ravenwolf8632: They really need to stop catering to the bloodied build. The fact that bloodied is tankier than full health is pathetic and does the most damage on top.

Mo11y_Mi11ions: Nuclear, pronounced New-clear. Like the Nucleus of an atom. Not pronounced "new-kya-lur".

Please point out the "New-kya-lus" of the atom. Oh? Can't find it? just the Nucleus? Odd. . .

Failtasmagoria: Tinker workbench in the temt helps with crafting quest items on the go.

pcolamojoe8840: Wish we could get some enclave updates. Also would be nice to get spec ops enemies with better A.I. behavior like strafing and squad tactics. I always liked how enemies talked to each other like in Halflife 2 to gain an advantage.

ZalvoTFT: can't wait!!

bryon29able: Honestly the only thing I'm concerned about and care about them adding is more stash space I pay for fallout first and it's still not enough I'm a pack rat so my stash is always full. Damn that's too bad the new weapons are going to be non legendary craftsble ill be deleteing them I have no use for nothing legendary lol

JayRellBurks: I’m trying to get to 150 rank before then

Jun 08 2024

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