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Encrytid Solo Using NO Weapon Fallout 76

A_Certain_Point_of_View: Had the skyline story line brick on my main a few months back now and when Bethesda support failed to provide any help, it kinda killed my vibe. So I unsubbed from fallout first and deleted the game. Happy to say I redownloaded it today and am excited to explore the game with all its changes. I guess what I’m trying say is thanks for making the content you do MWT

radionoakmont7756: now this is bonzariffic Mr. Westek great strat to the t this deserves a gold trophy right there m8.

picklerickyt2597: Yo

nerviistories: I use A Full Troubleshooters Reflective set of Excavator, and I think this is way better than A full set of OE, I can feel and see the difference. If u are willing to make A dedicated PA for only the sheep, and even the Raid robot, Make A PA that is A full set of Troubleshooters and Reflective, and u will not be disappointed

世界-イシュタル: Yeah I try to hit the event when it pops up. More often I will always be one of the conduits, or if the slots are full, make sure I have my Medic Thirst Zapper at the ready.

TheEnclave-13-0: Great Video.

WickIsFollowYou: Nice Build

hermanata2451: Oh nice this will help me get that challenge of destroying robots with no weapons equipped!

nukacolanukacola: Great video!

kaashae: I was actually wondering this the other night. Thanks for answering that question! I know what I will be doing today!

corylatham7822: I’m not even using that legendary per card and I can still solo the encrypted grab all three conduits and kill the imposters, sheep, squash

frogmastiff8198: cool vid, free range is the other, i'm on a new character on pc, previously xbox, my go to on this is full health over eaters armour, not power armour vampires explosive combat shotgun build, and on public teams i always grab a couple of pylons

EbodioCuenca: Good job. I been doing this lol.

Feb 03 2025

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