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Dont Underestimate The VaultTec Train Car Fallout 76

ThePudgypug22: Add the caboose car together as your workshop

RRRobertLazer: There's a good stretch of flat track in north of the test your metal event, that track has some good areas where it flattens out of you follow it

collincutler4992: This is #1 wanted scoreboard item. I use the prison car and love it.

louskywalker9656: Watch Mr church videos on how to merge the train cars into the tracks

Qlippoth: Thanks!

phoenixruin6640: You can sink the concrete base down. Found that out after watching a Mr. Church video

Sageofhalo: Thanks Noodle!

aggeroxf: I knew this pre-fab was gonna be good. A lore-friendly empty space is always a 10/10 in my books.

dazzmead007: Fantastic build! Be interesting to see if you can use the floating door trick to make the base disappear underground? I love the slocum joe stuff, i wish we had all the stuff from the fallout 4 creation club kit, the uniforms were the best!

DaveNCentFla: Where are those sweet neon lights from? I need those!!!

Sep 13 2024

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