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Do You Know About All These Changes? Fallout 76

zombiTrout: 4 digit ammo counter? Well, ‘bout damn time.

andrepomroy8621: I wish they would give us more storage in stash box

dub7: Vending machine history is actually a really cool feature. I've been wanting that for a long time tbh

nukaknights: Thank you for your support

shrimpconsumer2141: rather then nerf weapons how about they bring other weapons up to scratch? Lots of underutilized weapons need buffs for sure

semjonignatov1340: Hope YOU'RE having a fantastic day today

TheChrisLouis: Been paying since 2019. Never dropped a nuke or wanted to. Fastnacht comes along and almost my entire server besides two people were afk there not helping at all...

Let me tell you, I learned how to drop a nuke that day and it felt damn good. I know a lot of the YouTube creators are sympathizers, but its annoying when you are the only one running the event and 10 to 15 others are afk.

lexxstrum: It says on the card explosive won't work on flamers.

OryxAU: They should eventually develop this so players can order resources they need and players can take their caravans there to deliver it in exchange for the currency.

KetoFitChef: I think that only half the reason for nuking Helvetia was for the AFK’ers. I think the guaranteed spawns of enemies every hour for Flux crafting material was also a contributing factor.

Aug 28 2024

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