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Big Changes Coming To Fasnacht 2025 Fallout 76

TheInfiniteSheldon: Get your rubber bands ready!

godqueensadie: The Nuke change is good because allowing players to nuke that area was only good for griefing new and lower level players.

The Robots change was likely made for two reasons

1. To prevent griefers from causing the event to fail intentionally

2. To make it so players who end up in a Fasnacht even where everyone is AFK can more easily complete it alone even with the multiplayer scaling

Hypnogely: I have been playing the event every season since it first dropped and I cannot remember a time where a robot died, much less all of them.

codylaforte9986: If they are gonna make it easier for AFKers to just do nothing and get rewarded they should at least make it so players who are more active in the event have a better chance for rare rewards. So a player actively defending the robots gets a higher chance at a new or glowing mask over someone spinning in a house doing nothing or sitting playing the instruments

lordofsmeg101: Not gonna lie the fact that you get rewarded for doing fuck all is a little bit depressing and disappointing but at the same time I don’t blame him when you’ve got people that are willing to just sit there and AFK for hours on end until they get the big rewards what’s the point but however what people are now gonna have to look at? Is that now? This is happening. Does this mean that they are going to be giving up on trying to supply us with interesting sentence or new things that we really could want or value in the game, I’m not being funny. Why would you work on a game when the community is so damn lazy? I’m willing to cut corners at every extent

matthewpena3932: Nice, the change to the robots deaths solves one of the ways people would force/grief the event to fail for everyone, I do wish they were able to find a solution that still made the Robots a key part of the event. Major anti player jerk update here.

robinblackmoor8732: I can recall when this event was actually kind of tough. You needed somebody with a flamer putting health back on the robots. Not sure when it all changed. The robots did get badly damaged and destroyed once upon a time.

bugman67Y: I thought that the flowerpot rewards came from the "big bloom" event, not Fasnacht. May be wrong tho.

CornStarch76: Last patch Bethesda talked about changing how the drops work, due to so many things r in that pool now

luves1233: Dont worry about it if you care none for masks. If you are trying to get them then id worry.

I cant even tell you how many times I ran the event last run for a total of 3 glowing masks 1 of which was a duplicate.

With the rates and the diluted pool it could run for 2 months and im confident you still wouldnt get all the glowing masks

Del_UK: The people that moaned about the event being nuked, are the same players who sit AFK for hours in Helvetia. They sit there AFK for until server resets and get mad when they have died from the area being nuked.

Arteus73: Not going to spend any time in this boring event….. is bullshit

BigupGum: I mean the afk-ers kinda drain all fun, nukes were a solution to most of that, but it sounds like you can solo this event pretty easily now so if your the type of person who can't stand afk event players, go on a solo world

hughejass9461: While I have no issue with afkers at the event, I think that if you're actively participating you should get a higher chance to get a glowing mask etc. I also think that the donation box needs to be reworked since I've watched higher level players empty it out presumably to sell the masks and plans at their vendor. I guess Bethesda is mainly concerned with selling the special masks in the atomic shop.

monkee5th: What's the point of the event anymore. If the robots don't matter the event is now pointless. Everyone can just afk the event now. Bethesda could have improved the event by making it so if you already have a common and uncommon mask you no longer get it, increasing the chances for a rare mask. But no lets just cater to the do nothing afkers. Might as well make everything easier lets dumb down the raids to Bethesda. This is just a big middle finger to the people who look forward to playing this event

peterdickjohnson: Lol everyone crying because they can’t nuke the event lol

mct4423: Drop % 0000000000000%

bfallingstar: Any time in the past that someone nuked the event, I would switch servers. I like role playing, and I can’t march in the parade wearing a costume in a nuke zone.

crimsondragonwu: Fasnacht glowing mini boss that increases glowing mask drop rate even by as little as 1% would be a cool and welcome feature for dropping a nuke on the event. Would get more players to participate instead of giving even more reasons to just idle it.

dlstone374: As an end game player I can complete Fascnact solo in a Private World. So it’s going to be fun with these new changes. That way I can help out new players who want to get the most out of rewards

STat89: I miss the robots getting damaged and you had use a medic weapon to keep them alive. Won't be very competitive now lol

celestialnovas3790: I think fasnacht needs to give double chance for the rare mask people who actually participate

MoppetShow: They STILL have not fixed the AFKers issues. . . ., Spin to Win I guess

deividgonzalez8773: wow this game gets easier every year

josephv8983: Not a single person is going to use those donation boxes lol

bnite8254: I just need a the new stuff

Feb 01 2025

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