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Bethesdas TERRIBLE Response to Atom Shop Pricing Mistake is SHAMEFUL Fallout 76

greasemonkeymechanic1: you are definitely not over reacting, bethesda should have just refunded the people that made tickets and left well enough alone.

scottmiller7086: I love how fallout first gets you 1200 atoms, and packs cost 1500 -1800 now... real class acts. Gotta squeeze that extra purchase ontop of a monthly payment. Don't blame fallout76 players for starfield being garbage. Blame your staff. Way to F@ck your fan base Bethesda

StinkeePoopee: You’re a good dude for not petering around this sh!t. Your honesty is appreciated!

beammeup__scotty: If anything this has taught me I need to screenshot every message I send in the discord just in case they ban me or delete my shit

brananananandon: real talk: the Bethesda discord mods are literally insane. Like for real.

KetoFitChef: Trust me, we ALL heard the Air Quotes around “Customer Service” lol

Hopalongtom: I've had them delete bug reports, which came with an automated bot DM chastising me for spreading conspiracy theories.

brananananandon: The bundle should only be 1800 atoms IF and ONLY IF it included the new halloween weather station. Shady business practices and bad communication. Sad really. Their loyal customers deserve better.

perceivedvelocity9914: Recently I bought the Atom Cats outfit. It was on sale for 400 Atoms. Their system charged me 800 Atoms for the outfit. I contacted their support team about the mistake and they were not helpful at all. They said that they looked into it and I was charged the correct amount. After that experience I do not trust Bethesda support at all.

censorerik9601: It should be stated as well, that you should take pictures of every purchase you make in the atomic shop and have them in your phone and/or computers just in case you ever have to put in a ticket so you have proof of your purchase. This would've likely gotten me a refund before they changed the price back to 1800, but alas, I'm a complete moron with no foresight and was unable to submit my ticket until I was on my Xbox.

I'm sharing this video on Twitter to try to get more eyes on it. I'm tagging Bethesda in every tweet. They'll probably ignore it all, but I'm still gonna.

gabrielg.alfarella7223: I've been a fallout fan for about 12 years.

and everytime bethesda shit on us

they reinforce my feeling that they are actually our real life vault tech.

Shitty company that we keep spending time and money on.

And thats fucking absurd and sad at the same time.

tishmusso3949: Ironic that this bundle was named Grim Reaper. Bethesda's attempt to reap a big profit has certainly led to grim results.

ChompsLewis: Refunding atoms is not the same as refunding cash. It cost them literally nothing to give atoms back, they already have your money from when you purchased atoms or fallout 1st.

This is pathetic from Bethesda.

ronsandahl274: I think you've come up with a new main Slogan for Bethesda: "Fallout 76: Treating our Fan Base Despicably & Disgusting for 6 Years." Bethesda has screwed up the Atomic shop since day one. My background is in PR & Marketing and I can tell you that Bethesda could make twice the amount that they currently are in the Atomic shop by cutting all prices by 25% to 50%, by lavishing gifts on their Fallout 1st players, and to treat players with respect. But no, Bethesda executive want to charge the absolute maximum for anything that a player could possibly pay, rather than pricing items at the price that THE MOST PLAYERS will buy it.

dwestman62: This is the final nail in the coffin for me with Bethesda and Fallout 76. I bough the FO1st subscription but can no longer give my money to a company like this. Starfield was a huge disappointment and made me realize they no longer have what it takes in terms of writing and creativity and gameplay. The last update to FO76 has us chasing cows down a road. WTF? You don't even get to lead your cow out of the Milepost. It just magically appears on the road. When done, you just leave your cow there in the middle of the radioactive wasteland. They can't even think through the logic of what it means to be a trader and how that would work. I've watched them jack up the prices of items in the Atomic Shop. And reduce the percentage amount of their "sale items." So a sale item at 20%, on a raised price, means you are paying the former full price for that item. There's no reason to jack up prices on digital items. It's not like the post-Covid economy has effected the supply and demand on Atomic Shop items. They know the Atomic Shop is a cash cow and they are milking it for all it's worth. Once you've finished the FO76 quests, the only thing left to do are events and building camps. Events get repetitive and they've done NOTHING to improve the camp building experience. They keep adding more camp items into an already unorganized and overloaded build menu. Finding camp items is a nightmare and no longer fun. New items get added and have not even been tested. Every time the game gets an update, something inevitably breaks. The Creation Engine is garbage. Time to let my Bethesda fanboydom finally slide into a pile of radiactive goo.

Kyoti: Preach!

Terrible business practice on their part

j.p.9522: it looks like Fallout 76's "senior monetization expert" is hard at work turning this into an EA game.

kaiseromen: Honestly i tried hard to have convos in the Bethesda discord, but it always ends with toxic positivity for 76. I really wish they kept forums over switching to a discord because company discords are always shitty.

Roope00: I'm the Roope guy in those Discord screenshots, surprised this got attention considering everything got swept under the carpet.

That being said, after my first attempt at getting reimbursed got a negative response, I disputed it and the ticket got escalated to a "specialised team" which ended up giving me my 300 Atoms back. I'm sure there are great people at Bethesda but the management needs to take a good look at their own practices.

garryame4008: I am glad you are speaking up. If no one does, than they will do this type of thing again.

louskywalker9656: Why do I love mr church's channel.

A. He's an awesome builder that has taught me so many tricks.

B. MR Church is hilarious

C. He's not like the other fallout76 YouTubers he tells it like it is and is willing to call Bethesda on their bullshit.

Dude this is why you favorite fallout YouTuber. Thanks for being real.

JacqueYoung-e7j: Thankyou for bringing awareness about their FO76 discord moderators. I too had several comments and a suggestion immediately deleted but also got a very rude warning from the mod, who ofc then deleted their insult!

I was shocked! I am old, spent hundreds too but have now cancelled both Bethesda subscriptions after 4 years of ESO and 6 months of FO76!

LitEmUpx: It's like when they were selling the Summer Camp shelter bundle, and the picture showed a dock in a separate image... I thought it was included!

brananananandon: The best ad for your discord: “Hey at least we don’t have Bethesda mods!”

erickarcangel2884: Fallout 76 free to play coming soon

12jacobmar: Yea after this season I'm done playing FO76, it's been pointless grinding for nothing.

wolfredbeard5871: I hate when real life intrudes into my gaming...no escape?

Future_Sushi: When companies treat you like a number then the best way to fight back is to stop buying their stuff.

rezouken8: It just works! Still upset that the flaming bag is locked in that bundle personally.

illusion-: Not only that the headwear is bugged and dont show the neck on open top outfits like a red dress. And many more outfits.

That bethesda discord removes messages that hurt their image whenever any touchy subject is brought up.

johnrisner1347: Someone get a class action lawsuit. It forced their hand with their cheap ass “canvas” bags - don’t let them fuck you over.

eirikjormungandrson: This will be a long comment, bare with me. I will preface this by stating I like Mister Church and other creators on YouTube. I say that, because, this will be my final comment about Fallout 76 on any platform. I'm done with 76, I'm done with Bethesda. And that's coming from a life-long Bethesda fan. I put hundreds of hours into Morrowind and Oblivion when I was a teenager. Then over 5000 hours into Skyrim, over 2000 hours into FO4... and over the last 6 years, I've put over 4000 hours and sank more than $5000 into FO76, via Fallout First and purchasing atoms... over these last few years, Bethesdas decisions have been dwindling my opinion of them down to the bone. I think it all started with Oblivion. The first time I realized they're just in it for the money, and willing to skirt around the truth and basically lie to make a sale. From the Oblivion horse armor. To the Skyrim paid DLC's, and rererereleasing Skyrim over and over again. To Fallout 4's lackluster story, and more paid DLC's... then the marketing scams around FO76's release, not to mention how empty the game was back then. The shameless egregious prices in the atoms shop, like outfits for $18 (which sadly i was stupidly a victim of falling for)... Then there's Starfield. A game i was hyped for, only to be let down... I genuinely have lost all faith in Bethesda as a developer. I have no hope or hype for Elder Scrolls 6. I probably won't play it. I'm done with Bethesda. I've canceled my Fallout First membership, I un-installed the game. I've unsubscribed from every 76 related youtube channel, just so I'm not ever tempted to return. I'M DONE! Take care, everyone, much love!

thesarcasticsettler252: It is shameful that Bethesda game players need an semi official player-run forum where we can all gather to keep an eye on bethesda and they (Bethesda) can't silence posts by deletion but the reality is that would drown in wool gathering posts rather than getting important stuff like this out.

Thank you for taking up the cudgels and getting it out there into the public realm.

enclaveherewhyisntyourvide3464: you did the right thing, dont stop posting ab it <3

k1tt3h: Here in the Banana Republic, when there are 2 different prices for the same item, the business is obligated to sell it for the customer for the lesser price.

Isn't this illegal in the USA too? I mean, if it's illegal in a 3rd World Country, it should be illegal in the numero uno super power.

derekfranks6008: Thank you Mr Church. Couldn’t agree more.

HayastAnFedayi: I love how Bethesda always says when making a controversial Nerf that we listen and we answered you, but this situation the complete opposite

Oct 24 2024

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