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Bethesda Just Revealed Fallout 76s NEXT MAJOR UPDATE..

Lordoftheapes79: Some of it. AND just to be clear, they are NOT saying the new crafting will be in the next patch, just that it is coming. They need to test it and balance it first and that will take awhile.

cjonesufc: I’m excited about the C.A.M.P. Ratings. I have recently put together what I consider to be my best camp to date and would love to get insight from other players and builders.

KyleSage35: Just saw Turtle cover the potential legendary crafting rework, and while its way more controllable its gonna need a fair bit of balance for cost vs time normal players can put in.

Edit: giving us more uses for legendary cores is nice but the module cost needs to be kept similar to current if they are not going to reduce the cost for us to buy them from murmurg.

master_trunks4754: They should add bounties, and have these named enemy's be at old locations. fallout 76 has cool map people usually only visit a location once soo give people a reason to revisit old locations

Chromatome: I'm excited for this update, it gives us much more incentive to build good looking camps and roleplay.

chilloutyo87: I wonder if this will cause a resurgence of legacy weapons

ThatGuy40640: So are we gonna get Dangerous Pastimes back?!

NukedTV73: Yes!!


mr.sqoyotem1284: Seems to be a great update at the least I'm glad they are asking for feedback instead pushing half baked garbage it seems

Jul 07 2024

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