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Bethesda is Adding This Fallout 76 Event Back After 5 Years Heres Why its Worth it to Complete..

evnnaa: The fact theyre finally updating the game gives me lots of hope for what well see closer to the beginning of 2025

DuckDecoy13: Please for the love of God make sure you guys test the daylights out of mischief nights please those people on game consoles can actually play it and hopefully not have to worry about it crashing in the middle of it

686Impulse686: "Starting off you can get this cauldron hottub..."

I'll just stop you right there, that's about all the rewards I need to participate in this event.

lindley345: I got too excited for the pumpkin flair, lol. I love collecting things and displaying them at my camp. I just wish they had a Halloween themed beer stein. If they do, then i never got one or was playing long enough to get it.

chineseassassn5661: After 5 years, we get the event back, plus all of the new rewards are awesome sign me up!

johnw8578: To Bethesda devs -- a great camp item would be a hedge-maze like at the Torrance House that you can customize into your own maze. How cool would that be?

themaskofdude: Okay anyone seeing the video like breaking or just me? Sudden green and all of that?

michaelwhite5314: Omg. My shelters are gonna be fuckin lit with all the Halloween stuff. First year playing, lvl 150 after about a month, so I have no badass plans yet

johnw8578: I've been planning on building a Haunted House camp with a mad scientist shelter and a crypt shelter and so on. These new camp items will be fun to use. I still plan to once real life stops getting in the way.

mystic9314: I wonder if the pumpkin fixer paint and the Skelton player icon will come back out

RobZadouch: Hey bro! Great vid! I have a question for you, but you are under NO obligation to answer...have you been able to make YT your full time gig, or do you make these while also juggling a day job? I'm seriously thinking about starting myself, and you are definitely one of my inspirations

Jul 14 2024

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