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Bethesda is Adding Things Players Have Always Wanted to Fallout 76s NEXT HUGE UPDATE..

cashrjr23: We want a game without bugs and gliches

bsbenn76: I love how you can select max when selling things now!

SomethingSomething245: I'm happy Blue Ridge is getting more stuff!!!!

user-nw8rg8th7o: Did anyone else start Grinching everyones Santatron?

rockero1313: they need to fix the public worlds map. when you open it it shows the upper left corner of the map, not your location. you can't see public events or marked challenges.

private worlds doesn't have these problems.

andreslopez293: They should really fix all the glitches and issues before they add more broken updates.... last patch is a disaster with map not working quest not showing and unable to gather materials for daily quest.

HayastAnFedayi: Executioners will be amazing on this with the heat bar maxed out, then combining it 25ffr or explosive and this thing is gonna cook!

LaVex91: That gun looks sexy af, i cant wait until its officially released

Cat_Blade: Really want the Brotherhood and Enclave storyline expanded :-/

KentuckyRanger: Been using this on my PC Bloodied Commando character, and the damage is INSANE!!!

Jul 28 2024

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