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BETHESDA FINALLY LISTENED! Fallout 76 Just Quietly Got What Players Have Been Wanting...

antonfowler6582: Two things I would like added . A canning machine to make our own canned foods that dont spoil and a mail box to transfer plans between our characters

louskywalker9656: I wish we could use our resources in the shelter. They don't need to actually work, but if im building a kitchen i want to have a kitchen sink, or a bathroom sink.

TheChrisLouis: More camp space? No... Oh ok.

textmonsterlm: I’m not about to make another character to level them up and replay a quest line I didn’t care for just to get a gun I already have.

KetoFitChef: If we’ve already gone through that quest-line, we’re going to have to find another way to get it.

AnimeShinigami13: Still waiting for the original Nick Valentine as a camp ally. :P

cycoholic: Ticket to Ride hasn't been fixed, this is just a bandaid solution. They need to re-enable the legendary abilities on the ones that have been nerfed.

Too bad if all your characters have been through the new story line.

Krain420: My dream of using this shelter to build a replica of the Vegas Strip will finally come true.

sbaltys: I've done some testing with the new Ticket to Revenge. It's great for mobs, including a mirelurk queen, but a Q/25/25 railway is still better for bosses.

creativeflow4948: One thing I wanna see is like the vending history but an option to turn off and on vending machine to try and not get max capped

billykl2790: Nothing important fixed or added

jeffspegal: It should be unlimited build in the shelters.

KaylieRayne: My Issue with the new shelters is the build limit with the size of them. The camp and the new one are so large but the limit is so small you end up using only like 10% of the shelters. Would love them to up the limit or even take it away in the shelters.

gurugamer3196: In ESO which is also a bethesda title our homes have a time-of-day control device, which is a decoration that players can interact with to control the time of day, so it's effortless to adjust the time and make it night, dawn, midday, and there is no reason that they can't make a device for 76. many of their camp ideas and game features are from ESO, Like the unlimited mats storage for subs.

Sep 14 2024

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