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Becoming a Wasteland Millionaire The Ultimate Pleasant Valley Ticket Strategy in Fallout 76

lpp8886: Ah so you didn’t become a wasteland millionaire and the loot pool is shit

WhiskeyTango0420: Turned almost 200 and got no Fancy weapons.

spagsunfiltered: The worst part of the claim tickets is the absolutely slow rate of turn in. Hahaha.

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Mighty_Mr_B: I got a Vampires SA Revolver and Western Outfit on my first ticket. I didn't realize it was one of the fancy ones and scripped it......

tattedn9ne360: Man thinks a 3% drop rate is rare...

Literally said 1 star bloodied roll was very rare...

This video is straight clickbait. I've seen multiple many weapons in vendor for cheap

RyanJerdon: I just got a Quad single action revolver from one of these tickets. But it’s not fancy. It’s glitched.

bigbow62: When you get the Fancy Shotgun, you have a great chance of getting the Fancy pistol soon after. That happened to me 3 times... I've got 9 sets total so far. I have 3 sets on display and two in my stash box, gave two away, and sold two in my vending machine for 10K caps.

You're right on 100 ticket drop rate per weapon drop.

I sold mine at a very cheap price, only 10K, mostly because a lot of the players have no idea what they are ?

The tickets I usually sell for 35 caps.

The Fancy weapons are mostly dead weight 15 & 7 pounds each, and believe it or not, after 5200 hours of gameplay, I still don't have Fallout 1st

MrMorp76: ooo, i should do a flex shelter

MrMorp76: I had a Fancy Shot gun on my vendor for 6k for 9 months, no one bought it. Also, there are a bunch of people that could craft them. I had someone drop 100 on the ground at my base

OvAeons: If you truly want to know what rare is, play osrs :)

leehelck4606: i have an alternate character that is a shotgunner build. i didn't even know that there was a fancy variant of the pump action. i 'd like to try it out with that character.

Jul 31 2024

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