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Atomic Shop Update June 4, 2024 Fallout 76

ryanbarton4550: The only thing I can think of using spoiled fruit for is turning it into fertilizer to use for grenades

Norman1978: They need to bring the wireless utility box back

bluskyy84: Spoiled food is a really good way of getting rads

Calsifer808: Spoiled fruit is more than just fertilizer. Spoiled fruit is food for herbivores that never deteriorates, it’s already spoiled! And as herbivores you never get diseases from plant based foods. ;)

Xyrer: I wish Bethesda would take a play out of their own book and have something like what ESO has, which are boxes that you can build in your home and they store some stuff but are not accessible outside that box. Kind of like an archive, so we don't need mules, just save items there, it doesn't count towards stash and you only put or take something once in a while

Safilak: still waiting for the blood eagle vertiguard power armor u.u

CyPhaSaRin: yeah 2am Aus, 2 hours ago Meat Week ended, i had no idea it was finally over, i just hope someone got recordings of Grahm, quite enjoyable compared to say.. Rose.

misternobody4716: Thanks for the update!

dillonc7955: My friend has these robot figurine decorations I really want for my camp. Are these in the item shop rotation or are they unfortunately past battle pass items? Just got into the game like 2 weeks ago and an unbelievable amount of content is locked behind the shop.

danielwolf2257: If this account is your main, pays for playstation plus, and the console is considered your home. Then you can share the playstation plus with it no problem. With the new account, so long as both are on the same console.

Jun 05 2024

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