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Atomic Shop Update July 9, 2024 Fallout 76

collincutler4992: OMG I need a fast travel mat. Im SICK of ending up merged in my floors.

jordon6283: As always great video and i look forward to these during work. It always makes me want to rush home and get some of these new bundles

shawnadams1965: The backpack bottle looks like the plastic nuka rum bottle they trolled a bunch of people with

jacobi5881: I don't understand why they keep introducing new camp items when the build limit is so low. I bought the mansion a couple months ago for 700 atoms and i cant even fill every room in it because i hit the build limit already

fissy2214: Fo76 devs be breaking into your house just to get a reference for a bathroom SMH

zengineer3369: Bought my first atoms almost a week ago... Still haven't received them, Bethesdas special ed unit got onto the case 2 days ago, still no atoms... How far back in the stone age Bethesda is?

dillonc7955: They should give us a mat that gives players a designated spawn area similar to Halos forge mode. I'm tired of spawning on the side of cliffs or sometimes even inside of them.

steveharrop3509: I hope you are well. Thanks for the content as always

GoodPandaVibes: Another great video, thanks for these updates <3

UBONME: “Oh I didn’t know the locker door was a door”

Dolomiteee: How are you so fast lmao

Jul 10 2024

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