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ALL NEW REWARDS Coming to Fallout 76 Milepost Zero Update

BrandonDenny-we1rw: I dont know what happened that changed 76 but I am incredibly glad they decided to start taking the game seriously

annareifer2249: gulper plushie... omg omg I NEED IT IN RL

SomethingSomething245: This update is awesome!!! The inside of Milepost Zero looks super cool. This will probably be my new favorite event. I loved riding shotgun, and this is that, but above ground lol. I'm hoping we get pets around the same time this update comes out so we can have them help us. This is definitely my favorite update

pwojo9776: I hope the imported goods and weapon traders leads to more exotic or antique weapons in the near-future. Because it's been years since we got a new ballistic rifle and the Fixer, well it's not bad by any means, but aesthetically it's just not for me; if it had 308 conversion like the combat rifle had in Fallout 4, that'd get my attention. I'd want something like an actual Henry Repeater (not like the lever-action skin that came out in 2022 or whatever for the anniversary or whatever this event was for) or Martini-Henry. Even some weapon skins that drastically change the look of guns like what the handmade rifle consistently gets.

fernandopacheco1795: I'm honestly surprised Bethesda didn't slapped that deathclaw outfit on the atom store

glep3570: Takes about a day to max out the Milepost 0.

rooeeez: Can’t wait to see what they break with the next patch!

nathanskywalker1536: Interesting this update sounds pretty cool my only concern is players are going to be burning through caps like crazy but the concept sounds interesting

jonesbridge6880: How many currencies are we up to now

CheesyCharlie: Bring back Nuclear Winter !

Jul 31 2024

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