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bloodwireradio4556: Not to be negative but I have no desire for literally any of these rewards. :/

AsharRaasa: why are we getting a christmas event in july?

GavbinTitle: Isn't that little black backpack from the Atomic Shop? I swear it's from the Atomic Shop.

Adeadoornail7226: Yeah these are bad rewards and not new, I’ve bought almost all of these plans from player vendors and I’ve only played for 3 months.

BreweryRoad: I got the snowman to drop last week from my hoarded holiday gifts.. The only thing I wanted out of the new stuff.

Kamil0san: I might be wrong but aren`t the new drops old atom shop items? At least the red brontosaurus.

Adamp_109: New? I don't see anything new, just the same rewards they add every year

ITzSunkistGummy: This event suks. Why did they bring it back.

J0risBlom: Vintage watercooler

hughejass9461: First time doing this event so if it's free it's for me. Thanks for the information and take care!

tt128556: This has to be the stupidest event ever, Christmas in the middle of the summer.

Jul 23 2024

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