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All Mothman Equinox Rewards in Fallout 76! NEW Plans Added!

josefholley6939: With all the new things being added, maybe Bethesda <---can increase the stashbox weight.

NotSoDaftGamecraft: If they're going to keep this up they've got to raise the camp count from 500 flamingos to 750 or stop charging flamingos for picture frames and wall art type stuff.

fabianpantoja3497: New masks looks dope

desertfox4277: Your thumbnail had me hopeful for the hot moth girl as a camp ally

dragonmac1234: Mothman Equinox again, how many times have we seen this event recently. The masks at least look interesting.

netherwarrior6113: My camp has always been near point pleasant so it is nice to run down the hill and start showing those heretics the light of the wise mothman. The new masks look cool and cant wait to get them.

glep3570: Whelp, 2 new plans from 4 events. Hopefully, this will continue. I must say it is dumb that we can still get clothing as a reward when we have the plans for that clothing.

Dinosaurman34: I’m actually rocking the bone chill mask.

Got it on my second time doing the event, though all I do is stand there as 14 other people gun down everything before I see em

collincutler4992: So there are 2 different tomes?

This is new to me. Do they do the same thing?

HendarsChannel: Probably my fav of the newer events but it does get old after a while if it is going on for too long but really good event and XP buff is always nice!

noahbarks2219: I swear that chainsaw was already been added the skin for it

Aug 16 2024

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